New Friends

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School is starting in 20 minutes and I am scared to death. I am heading their ealry so just incase somehow my mom got the time wrong. Once, finally there, I saw two girls talking. One of them with wavy hair looked at me, then smiled. "Hey!" She waved at me. "Um... H- hi!" I waved back. That same girl and her other friend came my way. "Hi! My name is Alya! And this is Marinette!" "Hi! Um, my name is (Y/n)." I smiled. "So, would you like to be friends with us!?" Marinette asked excited. "Sure!" I yelled. "Oops sorry... Im loud." "Nah, girl its fine!" Alya said.
The school bell then rang. "Well, see you at luch (Y/n)!" They waved goodbye. "Bye Marinette! Bye Alya!" I waved back and we went are separate ways.

~Lunch Time~
(First of all, I am still a little new to the show, and have no idea if in their school if they have a lunch break! Some schools don't so... Sorry! >.<)
I found Marinette and Alya at a table and walked towards them. "Hey guys!" I said as I sat down. "Hey girl!" "Hey!" I set down my back-pack and smiled at them. "So, since you are new hear!" Alya started. "And you are our new friend! We want to get to know you! And of course we will tell you about ourselves." Marinette finished. "Heh... Ok, um where to start?" "Do have any other friends besides us?" Alya asked. "No, but Im happy with just you guys! You guys are the best!" I yelled. They squealed. "Thank you, (Y/n)! Your so nice!" Marinette said. I laughed. "How bout bullies. Have any yet?" Marinette asked. "Yeah actually... I think her name is Chloe?" They gasped. "Already! That- Ugh! I am so sorry... She only likes kids who act like her or if she wants them to be in her 'group'." Marinette said. "Oh... Well she told me I was a usless person, and ugly." (This happens to me in real life everyday at school ;-;) They started glaring. "I am so sorry (Y/n)!" Alya said holding my hand. "Oh its fine! I've been through worse at my old school! Im used to it." I sighed. "Well it still shouldn't happen." The bell the rung again. "See you later (Y/n)!" They yelled in unison (I think thats how its spelled XD). "Bye!"

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now