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~Adrian's P.O.V~
After I agreed to help find (Y/n) a kwami, she was finally better. And I hope that 'Death' was gone from her too... We decided to get Ladybug to help us as well. "Well, we would have to find a miraculous..." Ladybug said. "But whetr would we find one?" I asked. We all thought for a moment. "We can look in the museum or-" (Y/n) paused. "Or?" I asked. "I- I dunno... I just have the museum in my mind." She said. "Well- Lets head to the museum!" (By the way, I'm gonna make up a random museum, so ye-)

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
As we finally made it to the musem, we split up. I heaed to the animal section of the museum of the random animal that are gone now a days. I headed over to the 'Vikings Dragons' area. "Well... Wouldn't think they would have this hear." I thought. I then spotted and bracelet. I picked it up and looked at it. It was white bluish and had a wierd dragon on it. I looked at it closely. Was it a fox? I decided to keep it to see if it belonged to anyone. I then headed to the restroom. I turned the sink on and washed my face. Once I looked up, I jumped. I fell ti the floor, but looked up to see the floating figure. It looked like a dragon, but with a fox ears and nose. It was bluish white like the braclet. Wait! Is this the miraculous!? I got up slowly and looked at it. It looked at me. "Hello?" "Hello!" It had a neat voice not to deep not to high. "W-who are you?" I asked. "I'm your new Kwami!"

(A/n)- Sorry that its short and stupidly done... -_- I am really not thinking and had no clue how to do this! But, I promise that it will get better! Hope it wasn't too bad! *Brofist* High fives all around!!! ^w^

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now