Four Letter Word

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
I finally got to school and then saw (Y/n). "Hey! (Y/n)!" I yelled at her. She didn't stop she just kept waking. 'What did I do?' I thought. I ran over to her and ran infront of her. "Hey, you ok?" She glared at me. "Yes..." she said, anger in her tone. I looked at her upset. "Please tell me what I did!" I yelled. Tears filled (Y/n)'s eyes. She grabbed my hand and took me to the side of the school. "I saw you kissing Ladybug...*hic*" I froze. She saw... "Listen it didn't mean anything! She-" I got stop by her putting a finger to my lips. "I understand... We weren't dating anyway... You can love Ladybug-" she was stopped by her sobs. "I-if you want too... You can date her as well... I just l-loved you and-" Tears fell from her eyes. "No! (Y/n) listen-" I yelled but was stopped again. "No, Adrian you listen!" She snapped. "Four letter word before all this is 'Love'! I loved you! But you broke my heart! You didn't love me at all! Another four letter word that you showed me. You 'HATE' me!" (Y/n) burst into tears. My heart broke... I never wanted to see her cry. "I- I still l-love you... I'll s-see you tomorrow..." she then ran away.
"I love you too..."

(A/n)- Hope you enjoyed! Even though this part sucks! :D I have created a new story I hope you guys would read, it is call "Never Ending Game." It is a Peter Pan x Reader, *Ouat*. Again you do not have to read it just wanted to tell you guys that I was making another. Ok, one question. Who out there loves Ouat (Once Upon A Time)? I SURE DO! :D *Brofist* HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND! BUH-BYE, MY BROS!
P.s: In the other story if you are going to read, please comment to tell me if I should continue or not. Thank you!

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now