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~Marinette's P.O.V~
When Adrian got back, (Y/n) showed him to a guest room. When she got back, she showed Alya and I another guest room. "I'll see you guys in the morning, goodnight!" "Night (Y/n)!" Alya and I said.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
I went to my room, got in my Pjs then headed to my bed. But before I could get in, I heard a knock on my door. Once I opened the door I saw that it was Adrian. "Oh, hi Adrian. Need something?" I whispered. "Um, yeah actually... Do you have milk?" He whispered/asked. "Yeah, follow me." I headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I got out the milk and headed to the cups. "Can you get like a tiny cup?" Adrian asked. "Um... yeah? Wait, why do you need a tiny cup?" I asked. "Um... uh..." He started looking around. "Are you ok, Adrian?" I set the tiny cup down and poured the milk. "Yeah... Just-" "Hurry up would ya!" I jumped. "What was that!?" I whispered/yelled. "That- Way to go buddy- That was um... Plagg..." Adrian said. "Who's Plagg?" I asked. "I am! Hello!" A tiny floating kitty came behind Adrian's shoulder. "Oh, hi! He's cute!" "Why Thank you~" Plagg said. "So, that's why you wanted a tiny cup and milk." I said. "Uh... Yeah. But please don't tell anyone about him! No one knows except for you." Adrian said. "Ok, I won't tell anyone! I promise." I gave Adrian the tiny cup of milk and bid them both a goodnight. "See you in the morning, (Y/n)." Adrian whispered. I waved and went to my room to go to bed.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now