Death of the Heart

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
I ran back inside. "Alya- Marinette- (Y/n)!!!" I pointed to the door. (Y/n) was at the door, laughing an evil laugh. "What happened!?" Alya yelled/asked. 'She has been changed by an akuma' I thought. "Adrian! Run!" Marinette yelled. I turned around to see (Y/n) charging at me, knife forward. I ran, but not fast enough. She grabbed me and lifted me in the air. "She can fly!?" Alya yelled. Marinette ran away. "Ugh! Let go of my arm!" I yelled. "Oh, but darling I can't... Remember our secret?" She asked. I gave her a questioning look. She grinned then flew off carrying me somwhere. "Adrian!!!" And that's the last I heard a Alya. (Y/n) then settled me down on the floor. "Chat Noir~" She put her hand on my cheek, rubbing it. My face heated. "Now I thought bad girls would go for more of a gothic boy?" We both looked up. "Ladybug?" I asked. "The one and only!" She jumped down and swung her yo-yo around. "Let him go!" Ladybug said. "Now why should I?" She said and put the knife to my throat. Ladybug gasped. (Y/n) smirked. "How bout- you give me your miraculous, and then I'll set him free?" "Never!" Ladybug yelled. "Alright then- Ah!" She clutched her chest. Where her heart was supposed to be it was glowing. Ladybug ran too me and dragged me far away as possible. (Y/n) dropped to the floor. "A-Adrian- help!" Her right I went back to her normal (e/c) eyes. The other was still red. "Lucky charm!" Ladybug said. A rock landed in her hand. "What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked. She looked around. "Aha!" Ladybug said. She threw it too a corner of a wall and it bounced two times until it hit (Y/n) in the back of the head. "(Y/N)!!" I screamed. She yelled in pain, as she fell. She was on her stomach now. She looked up I could see her (e/c) and red eyes. (Y/n) screamed in pain then rolled up in a ball. I got worried was, I needed to help her. "Come on!" Ladybug grabbed my arm and we ran outside. She took me to (Y/n)'s house and then ran off.
(Y/n) had some good in her heart still, the akuma hadn't taken control of her. But now, her heart has been akumatised and now I am blaming mylself. Her now is a cold as death beacuse of me. I must save her!

~"Plagg: Claws Out!"~

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now