Morning Surprise

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*Short!! I am sorry... ;-;

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

My alarm went off and and I lazily got up turning it off. I picked up my phone to see that someone texted me... It was Marinette!!! I shook my head and looked at the name again. No, that can't be right. Isn't she still mad at me!?

I looked at the text name again, still seeing 'Marinette', and looked at what it said: 'Hey (Y/n)... Listen, about what has been going on, I know this is all stupid... Its just about a silly boy... So, I have thought about it and I did tell Adrien some things, that he should be the one to choose who he likes. No matter if its me or you. I appreciate that you like put friendship more then letting me go and loving Adrien, and I am sorry that I was being so rude... I hope you can forgive me, and maybe, we can be best friends again...'

I looked at it, tears streaming down my face, I instantly texted her back! I am so gald we can be friends again. I then went to the bathroom to get cleaned up, and to go get ready for school...

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now