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~Marinette's P.O.V~
(Y/n) and I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. "Oh uh- (Y/n), I have a box for you. My dad said to give it to you as a welcome present." Adrian said. I looked at (Y/n). "Oh, Thank you!" She took the box from his hand and set it on her lap. "You can open it, girl. Don't need to wait!" Alya said. (Y/n) laughed. "Ok, ok... I will! Thank you again, Adrian." "No problem." He said. She opened the lid and took out a stuffed animal. "It's a black cat!" (Y/n) jumped with joy. "I love cats!" (Sorry if you don't actually love cats!) Adrian laughed, then blushed. "Y-your welcome..." I looked down at my lap. 'What to do! I really love him, but I get too shy and stutter!' I thought. "Hey, Marinette, you ok?" Adrian asked. "Huh!? Oh yeah! Just- um... Thinking about- um thinking? I MEAN- Cats! Yeah... Thinking about cats, I uh- .... Just thinking!" I gave a big grin and looked at (Y/n). I saw her mouth: 'breath' so I did. I took big deep breaths and then smiled at her. "Well I guess I will see you all at school Monday. Have a goodnight!" Adrian said. "Wait!" (Y/n) said. "How would you like to sleep over with us, unless you don't like to have a sleep over with just girls..." "Actually, that would be nice! I will be right back!" Adrian then ran off to go get his stuff.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now