The Idea Figured Out

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
"Eh.........EH......." "SHUT UP WOULD YOU!" I yelled, annoyed by Plagg's noises. "What? I'm bored..." "It hasn't even been 2 minutes yet and we're almost there anyway." I rolled my eyes and Plagg continued his noises. When we finally got to (Y/n)'s house, I could here Alya and (Y/n) talking. 'Maybe... Nah that would b- Ah what the heck!' I sighed and silently walked towards the window to here them better. "I'm doing it this way Alya... Please. I can't lose Marinette and she is mad enough as it is! I know if I do "that" for Marinette she won't be mad at me anymore!" I heard (Y/n) say. "Gurl, I am telling you. That is a stupid idea." "It might be... But it's the easiest idea I have... I got to make Adrien dislike me. Then try to make him move on to Marinette. That's the plan." My eyes widen. What!? She can't do that- I love her and I am not gonna like Marinette. I got up and walked to the door. I stayed there for a few seconds just to get rid of my anger. I finally knocked. "Coming!" The door opened. "Adrien! Uh... H-hey!" (Y/n) said. I put on a fake smile. "Hey (Y/n)! Can I come in?" "Yeah... Come in." I walked in and waved to Alya. She waved back. "(Y/n) is feeling a lot better..." Alya started. "I hope so... I was worrying about you." (Y/n) blushed. "T-thanks Adrien... I have been a little bit happy." (Y/n) said then looked my way. I looked at her a bit then at the door, and layed my head on my hand. "Nice..." (*gif*) "You okay, dude?" Alya asked. I sighed. "So... About your idea..." Their eyes widen. "I don't like it..."

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now