Video Message

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(Short- Sorry it's so short one! >_<)
~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
Once I got home from Adrian's house, I got a text from Alya.


(Y/n): No... Why?

Alya: There is a video of you and Adrian kissing!!! Go look it up on YouTube!!!

(Y/n): Wait! How did she- what's the video called?

Alya: "Adrian's Girlfriend?" And I think Chloe is jelly! >.< Look at the description!!!

(Y/n): Okay

I then looked up the video. I was shocked. When did she see us kissing!! I looked up the video and watched it. I remember that! This was what- today!? No wait yesterday... Ugh this is messin' up my brain!! I then read the description.

"Recorded this vid today~ And omg!! I am literally jelly! Adrian is my man! I so hate her! But- here's the vid... -_-"

Is this why Adrian was acting weird? I just stood there surprised. I sighed. "I'll deal with this tomorrow-" I said and then went to my room. Once in my room and collapsed in my bed.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now