Midnight Dreams

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
Ladybug finally let my lips go... I was surprised, and a blushing mess! "Well, I'll see you later, Chat Noir." She then waved and ran out the window. I touched my lips. 'Why would she kiss me?' I was happy, but then what about (Y/n)? I then heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said, hoping it was (Y/n). "Hey, just came to tell ya I was leaving." Audrey said. "Oh... uh yeah- Wait what time is it?" "Already 11, actually." She said. "Really!? Ugh... I have school tomorrow... Well, night sis." I then got up and hugged her. "Night, bro. See you at school. And before you ask, yes I do go to your school." I laughed. "Yeah sure, see ya then."
~Time Skip~
Once I wad ready for bed, I got in and laid down. I couldn't sleep, and had to many things buzzing around in my head... So, I just stared at a wall. "You got your kiss from the one you loved right? So isn't that exciting!?" Plagg asked. "Its is and its isn't... I have no clue if I love Ladybug and the girl behind the mask, or (Y/n). I mean I don't even no Ladybug's identity! What if its someone I don't like in real life?" I asked. Plagg shook his head. "Just sleep on it!" He then floated down to his side of the bed, and fell asleep. I looked up and the roof one last time. An image of Ladybug kissing me appeared. I started turing into a tomato. I then turned to stop looking at the wall, and closed my eyes.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now