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~Adrian's P.O.V~
(Y/n) and I were walking too school. "So, figure out whatcha gonna tell her?" She asked. "No..." I looked down and sighed. (Y/n) looked at me, and I gave her a sad smile. She frowned and then smiled. She looked ahead and giggled. "What?" I asked. "Race ya!" (Y/n) then started running. I looked ahead. She was running to school. "Hey! That's not fair!" I said laughing then started running. (Y/n) was at the front of the school and was facing me. Once I got to her, I tripped over the curb and-

~Chloe's P.O.V~
"Ugh! My makeup is not on right!" I flipped my hair and closed my tiny mirror frustrated. I then saw the new girl and Adrian. Adrian was running towards her and suddenly tripped. I got my camera on from my phone and recorded the scence. Adrian fell, pushing the girl with her- and then kissing her! They then fell to the ground and broke the kiss. I saw them laugh then kiss again. I then stopped the recording. "O.M.G! I am so jelly! But- this is totally going online!"

~3rd P.O.V~
Chloe then posted the video online... Adrian and (Y/n) not even knowing that a video was taken of them...
When will they figure out?

(A/n)- Sorry that it is short! And that the "3rd" point of view was sucky! XP BUH-BYE! *Brofist* HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now