Letter (2)

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
*Same day, but after school*
I felt bad for saying those things to Adrian. 'No, he broke your heart (Y/n)! Snap out of it-' I broke into tears. Spike then came out of my bag. "Hey you ok, (Y/n)?" He asked. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile. "I guess..." I answered him. He floated to be infront of my face. "How about you draw something? That always cheers you up no?" I smiled. Drawing does make me happy (sorry if it doesn't). I got a piece of paper and a pencil. I decided to draw something disney. So, I decided to draw Mickey's hands doing a heart. Once I was done, I lifted up to look at it better. "How does it look?" I asked Spike. "Amazing!!" He said and did a spin. I smiled at him. And turned the paper around to the back and decided to give this too Adrian in the morning at school.

'Dear Adrian,

I hope you will like this drawing. I'm sorry... What I said was probably mean... I'm sorry I didn't let you finish explaining. I hope you will take my apology.



(A/n)- Sorry I haven't been updating much! Stuid school... But other than that, Thank you so much for 52.3k views! That is amazing and I never thought this would happen. You guys are the best! *Brofist* HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND! BU-BYE! 😎😆

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now