Missed Calls

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(This will be short- sorry...)

~Adrien's P.O.V~

Its been a full day and (Y/n) still hasn't called or texted me back! To be honest, I got really worried. I decided to call her again.

"(Y/n)... please answer..." I spoke softly as I called her.

No answer.

I rubbes the sides of my head softly. What could of happened to her? Thats it, I have to go see her. If I don't, I might as well go mad. As soon as I was gonna head out the door, my phone buzzed.
'(Y/n)!?' I thought hopfully. But as I looked to see who it was, it was only Marinette...:

"Have you gotten ahold of (Y/n) lately!?"

"No I haven't..."

"Adrien! Please tell me your joking! Its been a whole day!"

"Im not... I am worried to. Heading to her house now."

"Okay. Meet you there."

I then ran as quick as I could to (Y/n)'s house.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I moaned as I slowly got up... everything was still blury, and I couldn't get up. I started panicing. What should I do? I started feeling dizzy again.
'No..." I thought.
As I got even more dizzy, I blacked out again. Hearing a faint voice call my name, and a small floating figure right infront of my blury eyes.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now