New Miraculos, New Kwami

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

Was this really my kwami, was it that easy!? "What's your name? And what are you?" I asked. "I am a Dragox, a dragon and a fix mixed to together, and my name is Spike!" Spike said. "Well then- Does... Does that mean your my kwami?" I asked. "Well of course!!" Spike then flew around my head. "Well we better go find Chat Noir and Ladybug then." I got up and headed to the front door were we are supposed to meet up. Once I got their, I saw Chat Noir with Ladybug. "Guys! Look!" I ran over to them. Spike hid in my back pocket. "(Y/n)! There you are!" Chat said.

~Chat Noir's P.O.V~

Once I saw (Y/n) I was glad she was safe and not in pain anymore. "What did you want us to look at?" Ladybug asked. (Y/n)'s smile grew bigger. "Come on out Spike!" I saw a tiny head come out from behind her hip. "Don't be shy, it's ok." It finally cane out. It was a dragon, wait no... "What is it?" I asked. "He's a dragox. A dragon and a fox mixed together." She said. "He's amazing!" Ladybug said. "Let's get back home." I said. Ladybug and (Y/n) nodded, then we left the museum to head to my house.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now