Chat Noir 2?

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
We finally made it too my house. I lead her to my room. Once inside my room, she shut the door and then locked it. "You have to promise not to tell anyone!" Audrey yelled at me. "I promise!" I said. To say the least, I was confused! She back up in the middle of my room and then took a deep breath.
"Patty: Claws out!"
Whoah whoah, wait what!? Claws out! I watched as she then transformed. Audrey looked exactly like me! But, only a girl version... "So, pretty sick huh?" She asked. "Uh... huh? Oh yeah! That's sick! But I have a secret too..." "Really?" Audrey looked at me surprised.

~Time Skip Cus I Lazy~

"This is so cool!!! You look exactly like me but- A BOY VERSION!" I covered my ears. "Yeah, but be quiet. Don't want anyone hearing us then come up hear." "Oh, right!" There was then an akward silance. We really didn't really know what to say next... "So, Ladybug? Are their any others besides her?" Audrey asked. "Well, there is this other girl... Its- um... (Y/n). She has a miraculous as well. But don't say anything, don't even tell (Y/n) when you meet her that you know! Ladybug and I know her identity, but that's because we helped her find the miraculous." Audrey nodded in understandment. "I will call her tomorrow, and we can share with each other. But, we have to promise to keep it a secret. Even away from Ladybug." "Do you know her identity?" Audrey asked. "No." I sighed. "Do you like her better than (Y/n)?" She asked. "Yes- No... I don't know... (Y/n) was being controlled by Hawk Moth... Do you know him?" "I have heard of him, but go on..." I nodded. "And while she was dieing, I told her that I loved her. She heard and said she loved me back, I was happy! But, then I had to decide from Ladybug or (Y/n)..." "So, you guys aren't dating?" She asked. "No, but can you help me decide?" I asked. "Of course! Anything for my brother!" I smiled, and Audrey smiled back.

(A/n)- Sorry about the stupid song! Didn't have any ideas about that!!! >.<

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now