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~Adrian's P.O.V~

Guessing since its the weekend again... Lazy day? Or I guess I could hang out with Nino? "Welp... This sucks!" I yelled to myself. I got up and decided to go for a walk. Once outside, I then started to head to the park. "Boo!" "AHHHH!" I jumped and crouched down covering my head (like the photo up there ^w^). I looked up to see a girl my age. She had blonde hair and bright green eyes. "Hello~ Remember me?" I got up, and runned my hands down my pants. "Uh... No. Should I?" She looked down, she was disappointed. "Well... You would if-" Tears formed her eyes. "Um... My name is Audrey. Its nice to see you again Adrian." I looked at her shocked. "How do you know my name?" I asked her. "Well-" she sighed. "A sister that loved her brother never forgets." My eyes widened. "Wait! Hold up! Your my sister!?" "Yes, I am. We were seperated when we were little. I was sent to an orphanage and I just moved here. I was just going for a walk when suddenly, I saw you!" She jumped and did jazz hands. I was shocked. I had a sister? "So wait, we were separated when we were little?" "Yes, that's what I said dork!" She then punched me on the shoulder. I chuckled. I smiled wide and then hugged her. I could tell she was surprised, but she soon relaxed and hugged back. "I missed you." Aubrey said. "I'm sorry I forgot about you!" We both laughed, and then went to the park to hang out. I guess this won't be a lazy weekend after all...

(A/n)- Heyo! So this idea was from Minozaki_Marvell! Btw sorry if I mentioned the wrong one, I am a little dizzy cuz I'm just a little sick. But don't worry I'm ok! ^w^ But thank you for this, oh and this is her oc too! The other oc's and people will be in the story soon! So I haven't forgotten about you bros! BUH-BYE!!! *Brofist* HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now