Helping Hands

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      (Short- Sorry!)
~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
      I decided to first call Alya, to see if it was a good idea, and if she could help. "H-hey Alya! I was wondering... I need help with something. Do you mind coming over?" I said once she answered the phone. "Sure, gurl~ I'll be right over!" I took a deep breath. "Thank you Alya!" I ended the call and then decided to write down what I could do. I got out a lined piece of paper then a pen. 'Ideas... Ideas... I don't know what to do!' I wanted to do something special for Marinette. She was an amazing friend! I want her back! As I was writing down ideas, Adrien then came to mind... 'Maybe I can make Adrien like Marinette back! But- what if he is heart broken... I mean... I know he likes me but... Do I really want to lose Marinette?' I thought about this until I was interrupted with the doorbell ringing. I went over to the door and opened it. "Alya! Thank goodness your here! I need help. I have this idea, to get Marinette not mad at me anymore... But I need your opinion..." Alya then came in and gave me a hug. "Of course! I'll help with anything. I have an idea too! But let's see which one seems better- Alright!?" I nodded my head and we went inside and saw
sat down.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now