Warning Text

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

Once I got in my room I quickly grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. I went into my messages and and clicked on Marinette's name. I took a deep breath, and texted her.

(Y/n): Hey... Marinette. I know you might not even look at this text... But I want to at least try and warn you. Tommorow Adrien will come to you and do something to make you forgive me, and that he is sorry about what has happened. The thing is... he caught me making a plan about going to talk to you about this and... and make Adrien get over me. If you can. Please speak to him. I can not lose my friendship to you just over a boy. I really enjoy being your friend Marinette... Goodnight...

I pressed send and set my phone down. I sighed. She probably won't even look at it. I head a faint beeping sound and looked at my phone. It said that Marinette had read ny text. Wait- she actually read it! To be honest... I believe that text souded a lil bit weird. I am horrible and texting so... Its easier when I speak it and not text it... But I just thought texting was better then calling... Marinette didn't text back. But I felt better knowing that she would actually look at my texts now. I set my alarm for the next day and got ready for bed. Hopefully Marinette will stop Adrien for whatever he is planning on saying. I really do love him... But friendship is more important to me. I smiled at hugged my pillow, memories of Marinette, Alya, and I coming back to me. I laid back, closed my eyes, and smiled happily, hoping that maybe- just maybe. That this will all turn out alright...

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now