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Hey! So I know I haven't been updating this story lately. So I have decided to make a plan. These should be the days I am updating from now on, on any of my stories!

Monday- Not Updating
Tuesday- Not Updating
Wednesday- Updating!
Thursday- Not Updating
Friday- Updating
Saturday- Not Updating
Sunday- May Update sometimes

Sorry if saying updating is not the right word! (>_<) So I hope this goes as plan- I will start this Wednesday since that is an updating day! Thank you guys! And if you guys think I should quit this story since it has gotten pretty boring I believe to you guys, just comment and I will make sure to sum if up quickly or just discontinue it shorty after. Bye, and I am so sorry for all this trouble!

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now