Chat Noir

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"Ready to see why?" Adrian asked. "Um... Sure!" I said. To tell the truth I was a little bit worried! What was he gonna do? "Plagg: Claws out!" (Have no idea how to describe the transformation, I'm so sorry! DX) Adrian then started changing, I ran and hid behind a chair. When everything seemed good, I walked back out. "Adrian?" I looked around no one was there. I then jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Purr~" My face heated as I turned around. "C- chat Noir!" He smirked. "But wait- Adrian!" I turned around. 'Claws outs? But that means-' "Adrian! Your- Your Chat Noir!?" I yelled. I was shocked, Adrian is Chat Noir! "Yep! Pretty sweet huh?" He asked. "Um... Yeah, I-I..." Chat Noir put a finger to my lips. Chat then smirked. "I make you speechless?" I blushed. I opened my mouth, to then close it. He laughed. "Here, I'll turn back.

~Time skip~
~Adrian's P.O.V~

After I showed (Y/n) I was Chat Noir, she kept asking questions and squealed all over the place. After that, she hanged out with Plagg. Marinette and Alya woke up at about noon. "Man, you guys sleep for a long time!" (Y/n) said. I chuckled. "She's right, its already noon!" Marinette blushed and Alya laughed. "So, what do you guys want for lunch?" (Y/n) asked. "What can we have?" Marinette asked. "I can make (favorite snack to eat at luch)?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah!" We all said. (Y/n) started making the food while Marinette, Alya, and I searched for a show to watch. "Im done!" (Y/n) brought a plate out to everyone. We all finished eating after about 20 minutes. "That was delicious, girl!" Alya said. "Thanks, Alya." She giggled. "So, what are we gonna do to-" All of a sudden loud honking noises and angered noises were heard from outside. "What's going on?" Marinette asked. We all headed to a window and looked outside. Cars were stoped in random places and a crowed of people were looking at a screen from a building. "Pigeons have taken over Paris-" (Yadayadayada~ XD) "How- What?" Alya asked confused. "Dunno... But we should go stay inside. I'll go look outside real quick!" Marinette said. "Ok, but I might come out to figure out more about this. Mr.Pigeon? I need to know more about this crazy thing!" (Y/n) said. "Ok." Marinette then left. "I'm gonna go to, I'll check the back of the house to see if anything else is happening- but worse." I winked a (Y/n). "Oh, uh... Got it! Alya and I will stay here." I then ran outside.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now