'What To Do?'

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

School was finally over, and Adrian and I decided that we should head to the park to hang out. Once we got there we sat on a bench. "I have a question..." I said. "Go ahead." Adrian replied. "What are you going to tell- or do about Ladybug?" Adrian froze. "I actually don't know what I'm gonna do..." We thought for a bit. "Wow... Never thought that this was gonna be so hard!" Adrian said swinging his arms back and forth. I giggled at how silly he is. "How about you just tell her..." I said. "AND BREAK HER HEART!" Adrian yelled. My heart broke just then. 'Does Adrian- No! He doesn't... He can't!' I got the thought out of my mind. I frowned. "*sigh* Then just tell her you like her..." Adrian looked at me eyes wide. "What- no! I love you!" He tackled me to the ground and gave me a long loving kiss. Once he pulled back, I blushed. We then got up and sat on the ground. "Then what do you think you want to do?" I asked. "I don't know... I wanna lay it easy on her, cus I still want to be friends." Adrian sighed. "I really have no clue of what I am going to do..." I put my head on his shoulder. "We can think about it tomorrow... Let's head to my house okay?" He nodded his head. "Let's go!" We both got up and ran to my house.

(A/n)- I want your ideas of what Adrian should do! List your ideas, I will pick one! :D
Also sorry that it's short! 030

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now