The Idea

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~Adrian's P.O.V~
Audrey decided that we should do something special for (Y/n), so I could tell her how sorry I am. "So, what does she like?" Audrey asked. I thought for a moment. "She likes anime!" I answered (Sorry if you don't like anime!). "Ok! Can you think of anything that (Y/n) talked about that she wanted to have that's anime?" Audrey asked. I got up from my seat, and went to my drawers. I got out a shirt that said: "People who don't like anime are not real and should not be trusted." Audrey looked at me surprised. "That's a shirt that she wanted?" I nodded. "I got it for her the day after she showed me it." Audrey smiled at me. "You don't like Ladybug... You love (Y/n)!" Audrey shouted. I blushed. "Haha! So- the plan is that tomorrow, you can give her the note and the shirt! It won't be that much... But I'm sure she'll love it no matter what!" Audrey smiled. I smiled back at her. "Thank you so much for helping me!" I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

~Time Skip- Next Day At School~

*Still Adrian's P.O.V*
I hope the next morning, slightly scared. What if (Y/n) stays mad at me!? What if she hates the shirt now!? What if she fell in live with someone else!? What if- 'Ugh- Stop with the "What if's" Adrian!' I thought to myself. I got up got dressed and then grabbed the her present with the note attached. I new that (Y/n) went to school early, so I got up earlier then normal. I was finally ready and headed too school.
I finally got to school and saw (Y/n) sitting on the curb in front of the school, reading her book. I took and deep breath and started walking towards her.




~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now