Unexpected Doorbell Ring

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Marinette, Alya, and I were all watching 'The New Daughter' (its a horror movie, I found it yesterday) when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I said and got up. Once I opened up the door, a boy was standing their. He has green eyes and a bright blonde colored hair. He was smiling and holding a box in his hands. "Um... Hi, you are the new neighbor right?" He asked. "Oh- uh... Yes! Heh... And are you a neighbor?" I asked. "Yeah! My dad said too come say 'hello' and make a new friend! What's your name?" He asked. "(Y/n), your's?" "Adrian." I smiled. "Would you like to come in? My friends and I are watching a horror movie." I asked. "Sure! I'd love too!" I let him come in and lead him too the living room. "Um... Guys, we have a guest. He's my neighbor!" I did a little jazz hand then giggled. I saw Marinette was blushing. "You ok Marinette?" I asked. "Uh- um... Yes, c-can you um... Come with me real quick-" She stuttered. "Uh yeah! Sure! Um, Adrian I'll be right back." "Ok, (Y/n)."
Once I was in the kitchen, Marinette was jumping with joy. "Do you know who that is!?" Marinette whispered/yelled. "Um... Adrian?" I questioned. "Yes! But, he's the one I said I liked!" She whispered. "Sick! Why not go back out their and talk too him!?" I asked. "But- I get really shy and-" "Hey! You'll be fine just, take it slow. You don't have to talk too him if you don't want too." I said. "Ok... Ok! Let's go back out their!" She yelled. "Heh. Ok hang on tiger, don't go crazy." Marinette blushed. "Right, sorry..." "It's ok, let's go back out their!"

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now