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~Adrian's P.O.V~
As I was carrying (Y/n) to my house, I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ladybug. "Hey, Chat Noir- Wait, isn't that 'Death'!" She said pointing at (Y/n). "Yes, but she is my friend... Not 'Death', but the actual girl inside. Look at her eyes!" I said. We both look down at her. She is breathing heavy and opened her eyes for us to see. "This is new... She has a (e/c) and red eye. Why is that?" Ladybug asks. "I believe its because the akuma didn't take over her fully. Something wrong must of happened." As we got to my door step Ladybug stopped me. "Um- w-why are we at A-Adrian's house?" She asked. Whoops I forgot! "Oh uh- He's my friend!" I yelled. "Uh- o-ok..." We snuck to 'my' room and I set (Y/n) on my bed. "She seems-" I started. "Broken..." Ladybug finished. I nodded. "What do we do?" I asked. "Where is her knife! We could break it and clean the akuma!" Ladybug said. "I-i think it's back at that building." I said rubbing my neck. She frowned at me. "Really Chat Noir!" I chuckled. "Sorry!" Ladybug then ran off to go get the knife. I looked back at (Y/n). She looked beaten up. Her chest going up and down, hard, and her eyes not wanting to open. 'Im so sorry that this happened to you...' I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "I-I... I love you, (Y/n). I hope you can hear me." Tears formed in my eyes, as a hand held tighter onto mine...

(A/n)- Sorry about the photo, I couldn't find the right one so! Ye... Sorry! ^w^

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now