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~Adrian's P.O.V~
I ran back to were (Y/n) took me and saw her on the floor. I jumped from the window and saw that she was asleep. I picked her up and put her head on my lap. "(Y/n)?" Her eyes fluttered open. "A-Adrian?" She asked. "Yes its me!" She giggled. "Your in your Chat Noir form..." She was breathing heavy. I looked into her eyes. They were (e/c) and red. "Do- do you want to you know... Take my miraculous?" I asked. "What are you talking about? Ah!" She sceamed. I held her tight. "Are you ok? What hurts?" I asked. I looked at her worried. "My heart- It doesn't feel right..." Her eyes were closing. 'No no no! She can't be- can she be- No she can't die!' I thought. (Y/n) was now laughing. "Oh Chat Noir~" She purred. I looked down. Her gothic form was back. "Oh no..." "Oh yes, my darling~" She giggled and put her hand too my chest. My face started to get warm. She put her other hand to my hip. "How is my little kitty?~" (Y/n) then got up and held her hand out. I grabbed it and she helped me up. She pulled me close and whispered something in my ear. "Join me? Help me get Ladybug's miraculous.~" She purred. She then kissed me ear lobe and went down to my neck. I moaned, she laughed. "How bout it, kitty?" I stared at her. I got lost in her eyes, until she screamed. (Y/n) fell back to the ground. "(Y/n)!" I went down to her and held her by the waist. "Adrian- C-chat Noir..." She changed back to her normal clothes. I was confused. Is that why her eyes were red and (e/c)? I had to figure this out. I held (Y/n) bridel style and headed to my house.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now