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Since I started school on Friday, Alya, Marinette, and I decided to have a sleepover at my house.
It was Saturday and they were coming at about noon. It was 11:30, so I decided to get some snacks out. "Ill be back on Monday. Your father should be back by Sunday, but if something changes at work for him then Ill text you." My mother said as she grabbed her bags. "Ok, mom!" I said. "No parties! If I come back to a mess and your father is not hear your in big trouble!" Mom joked. "Haha! Ok mom, no parties! I promise." I laughed.
After about 30 minutes later, Alya and Marinette arrived. "Yay! Your here!" I yelled extremely loud. "We wouldn't ditch this sleepover. Your our friend!" Marinette said. "Thanks, you guys are the best." They smiled. "Oh! Here let me take your bags up too my room." I took their bags and took them upstairs. When I came back down, they were on the couch waiting. "So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked as I sat down. "Oh! Lets tell each other who we like!" Alya suggested. "Yeah!" Marinette agreed. "Ok." I said. I wasn't really into talking about boys, but anything for my friends! "Alya you start!" I said. "Ok. But one quick thing! (Y/n) if you don't know who the person is, we will show you Monday!" Alya said. "Ok! Got it!" "So, Marinette you might know him, or at least seen him, its Nino. He seems cute!" Alya said. (I'm sorry, but too me Alya and Nino would be nice together! Just me? :D Oh! And sorry if I'm spelling his name wrong!) "Really Alya! You guys would be cute together!" Marinette yelled. I laughed. "Ok, Marinette, your turn." I said. "Oh, um... Hehe... His name is Adrian~ He is so adorable and handsome... I just- YEE!" Marinette screamed. I plugged my ears. "Wow! You really seem too like him!" I said. "She does, trust me! But this girl is just to shy!" Marinette blushed. "So its my turn, but I'm new so I don't have any. How bout a movie?" I said/asked. "Sure!" They said.

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now