Lost Friendship?

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I woke up to (f/song). I groaned, got up and pressed the 'STOP' button on my music alarm app on my phone. I rubbed my eyes then got ready for school. "Luckily it's Friday today..." I mumbled to myself as I but on my shoes. (Tell me if I am wrong on the day!!!) I then grabbed my bag and started to head to Adrian's house.

~Adrian's P.O.V~

I woke up from my alarm, and yawned. I got up and got ready for school. While I was putting my shoes on, there was a knock on my door. I got and opened it to see that it was (Y/n)! I looked at her. "Hello, Adrian!" She said as she waved. "Hi, (Y/n)!" I smiled at her. "Ready for school?" (Y/n) asked. I nodded then went to get my bag. I then took ahold of her hand and we headed off to school.
~Time-Skip To School~
Once we got to school, Nino came running over to me. (Y/n) quickly took her hand away from me and walked over to, who I thought I saw, Alya. "Hey dude!!!" Nino said stopping right in front of me. "Hey, Nino!" I said. "So, are you guys dating!?" Nino asked. I froze, then blushed. "Well... Uh... No?... Um... W-were just really good friends!" I blurted out. Nino gave me a blank stare. "You sure, bro?" He asked. "Uh... Yeah I-" I was stopped by the bell ringing. 'Thank you bell!!!' I thought. Nino and I then headed to class.
~Time-Skip To Lunch~
~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~
I found Alya and Marinette taking to each other by a bench. I yelled there names and ran over to them. "Hey guys!!" I said and waved. Alya said "hello" in her happy sate, but Marinette was different. She looked, crossed her arms, and I think I saw a tear go down her cheek. "Marinette?" I asked. "Are you okay?" When Marinette didn't answer, I looked at Alya. Alya came over to me and whispered in my ear. "She saw the video..." I froze and my eyes widened. "Marinette! That kiss- It didn't mean anything! I tripped and we kissed! And-" Marinette stopped me. "I don't care (Y/n)!" I stared at her in shock. Marinette looked at me mad. "Please Marinette... I know you like him! We aren't dating! Please..." Tears formed in my eyes. Marinette was my best friend. I didn't want to lose her! "You knew I liked him!! Why did you do that! You- You kissed him!!! (Y/n)- (Y/n) I hate you!!!" Marinette yelled. I stood there in shock. So did Alya. I stared to cry and ran away. I was going to lie and say I was sick just so I can go home. I never mean to hurt Marinette. Now she hates me...

~Alya's P.O.V~

I was surprised at what Marinette said. "Girl, what was that?" I asked her. "I hate her! Even if they aren't dating- that broke my heart!" The bell then rang and we both headed to class. 'I need too fix this... Badly...'

~Heros~Chat Noir (Adrian) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now