Chapter 30.

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Nikki POV:

"Hey mom, I'm home." I called out to her as I entered the 2 story house.

"Mommy!" Screamed Ahmir as he came running into my arms as I dropped my bags.

"Ahmir!" I yelled as I picked him up and embracing him while I repeatedly kiss on his curly set of hair. "I missed you." I said squeezing him tight.

He giggles as he wraps his arms around my neck. "I miss you too mommy bear." He jokes.

"What you been up to big boy?" I asked while putting him down.

"I been helping grandma around the house." He beams shining those hazel green eyes of his.

"Such a big boy! Mommy so proud of you, you haven't been causing grandma any trouble right?"

It's like she heard us talking about her because then she appeared in the hall way wearing one of her fuzzy sweaters with a long brown skirt that stop to her ankles as her hair was pin up in a tight bun.

"He's been nothing but good. He's grandma's little helper." She says bending down pinching his cheeks and then came back up as she gives me a hug.

"Hey ma." I say after she releases me.

"Hey baby, its so good to see you!" She beams as she grabs my bags.

"Mama , I got it." I say taking the bags from her but she takes them back.

"No young lady I got it." She says as I playfully roll my eyes holding my hands up in surrender.

I pick up Ahmir as we follow behind mama to the living room then taking a seat on the leather sofa to talk and catch up.

"So how's New York?" She asks.

"New York is good, but mama how are you." I say as I play in Ahmir hair while he sits in my lap playing on his leap frog tablet not paying us any mind.

She raises her eyebrows at me while smacking her teeth.

"Girl I'm just fine as you can see." She says.

"Mama for real, what did the doctors say?"
I said getting serious.

She gives me a long stare and then tells Ahmir to go play in his  room , which he did.

Then she gets up and sits right next to me and grabs my hands in hers.

"Nikki Michelle Smith, I don't want you to worry about me every time you come down here. When you come down here I want this to be your stress free getaway, where you get to focus on your son and enjoy each others company. I am perfectly fine, trust me." She states half hearted.

"Ma , I trust you but I don't know what I would do if I was to lose you god forbid." I say while shaking my head trying to hold back the tears I knew soon will appear.

"Yes you do, your going to take that child and your going to finish raising him and being the mother I know you to be." She sternly says while pointing up, referring to Ahmir who's up there.

I clear my throat and wipe away the tears that slid down my cheeks as I was about to tell her what's really going on.

"Well mama that is another reason I'm down here too.. I'm coming to get Ahmir and get full custody of him." I mumbled the last part.

Her eyes shot up. "What do you mean? Why?" She asks.

"Josiah came and paid me a visit and he threaten to take Ahmir away from me if I keep leaving him with you and if I don't let him see his son."

She was silent for a good moment and then she stood up and stood.

"Well baby if that's what you wanna do then I can't stop you, but don't keep Ahmir away from his father he really enjoys his company and they are just beginning to start a bond. I know Josiah was barely there in the beginning but he is trying to make up for lost time." She tells me as she cups my face into her hands.

I nod my head in agreement. "I won't mama, I might come to considerations and make some visitation arrangements."

"I think that would be a great idea! you know when Josiah does visit Ahmir he talks about you, and he tells Ahmir what such a heart women you were to him and how your a great mother." She grins.

I was stun , I would've never guess that since he cuss me out and told me how much of a bad mother I was for basically leaving my child in my mother's hand. I smile grabbing my bottom lip as I imagine the two of them talk about me, it kinda made me feel some type of way but in a good way, a loving way actually.






Lyric POV:

"Huh I'll need you to lay back and put pressure on her arm while I get the stitches." Says Terra while she places a towel in Devin's hands.

She already cleaned up Devin so he was good, he only had a slight cut in his head that she stitched up and bandage.

I laid on the messed up sofa as Devin put the damp towel on my bruised arm.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asks no one particular as he bends down and kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes as I feel his warm soft lips touch my forehead.

"Cus god loves you." I joked.

"I know be loves me enough to bless me with one of his angels. Thank you God." He says looking up to the ceiling being silly.

I blushed to his compliment. "Awh baby you so sweet." I said grabbing the back of his neck with my other arm pecking his lips a couple times up against mines.

"I know I know, I'm real smooth." He says brushing off his shoulders as I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah."

"Nah for real doe, you da one Lee." He mumbles the last part.

Just hearing him say that makes my heart skip a beat, it feel so damn good to know the person you truly love feels just the same about you.

"So when you gonna marry me." I joked.

"Real soon babyeh, in my eyes you already wifey." He says seriously.

Terra enters the room again as Devin stares at me in administration not taking his eyes off me and neither did I.

Yeah I love that boy!

Excuse mistakes !

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