Chapter 45.

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Lyric POV:

I woke up to Kash nudging me in the hip.
I look back him in frustration with a hint of confusion, but then he points over towards Missy bed.

I look over there to see Missy eyes open.
I quickly hop off him and run to her side all smiles.

"Hey cutie." I greeted her.

She looks at me as she smiles and yells , "Lee!" In excitement while trying to sit up and hug me.

I pull her into my arms holding her tight until I heard the doctor walk in.

"Well its nice to see you Melisa." Says the man as he gives her a smile then looks back down at the clip board in his hand writing on it.

"What happen?" She ask as she touches her head feeling the bandage they put on her where they stitched her at.

I look at her upset cus I didn't wanna tell her what happen to her and her father. She was too young to really understand anyways. Instead the doctor spoke up.

"Well you and your father got into a lil accident, but nothing major you and your father is alive and breathing-"

"And that's all that matters." I say cutting him off rubbing her full set of curly hair.

She smiles as she looks up to me then seconds later it fades.
"Where's Dada?" She ask.

"Your father is another room right now Missy." I tell her.

"Can we see him." She said in her begging voice while poking out her bottom lip.

"Your dad needs to rest Missy-"

"And you can't get up and leave just yet young lady, we have to run some test on you first." The doctor explains as he stops writing and then walks out the room all smiles.

I look back at Missy who is now pouting.
"I wanna see Dada." She whines.

I look over to Kash who haves his hands up giving me that, what am I supposed to do look.
I just shake my head at him.

"Don't worry your gonna see ya Daddy sooner then you think." I tell her trying to ease her.

She looks at me for a brief second then over to Kash.
"Is this yo new man?" She asks me pointing at Kash.

I gasp but halfly chuckle to what she just asked. This girl is off the chain, I thought.

I look at Kash who's looking lost then back at her. "Yes Missy this is Miss Lee New Man." I mocked her.

"Dat why Daddy say yo no moe talk to him." She says.

"Op that's my cue, I'ma go to the vending machine, you want something?" Kash says standing to his feet.

I laugh at his silliness but I knew he was serious. "No I'm okay."

"Do you want anything Missy?" He asks her.

"Uhhh I want some oreos." She says in her cute innocent voice.

He nods his head as he make his way out the door while closing it behind him.

"He cute." Says Missy.

"Missy!" I say cracking up.
Who does this lil girl think she is?

"I serious." She says, which she was by the look on her face.

"Well I'm glad you feel the same way I do." I joked.

"Who did this to me n Dada?"

I was silent, I didn't know who did it I was clueless just like her.

"I don't know baby." I tell her.

"Did they hurt him?"

"Your father is fine sweetie, okay." I assured her.

She nods. "I want you to come home wit me and Dada." She says out if the blue.

I didn't know how to respond to this, instead I just stayed silent as I rubbed her hair and came in rushing was who I never thought I see Nicole.

"Oh my god is she okay?!" She cries as she runs over to Missy kisses her all over her face.
"I'm sooo sorry baby!' She cries. " Mommy's here now." She says holding her into her arms.

I shook my head at her. What type of mother is she, this bitch wasn't even here as soon as this shit happen to her child, where the fuck was she?!
I had so much I wanted to say to Nicole but I decided to bite my tongue, I can't disrespect Missy mother in front of her.

Nicole looks over at me mugging me.
"Why the hell are you here?" She says looking at me sideways.

I scrunch my nose up at her as I roll my eyes. "I'm just here to check and see if Missy is okay." I stated trying to keep the peace.

"Bitch you is not her mother, she haves one and thats ME! Stop worrying about mines and focus on yours!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

As soon as I was about to say some disrespectful shit to her walked in Kash stepping in.

"Come on Lee, she got ha mom she good." He says to me.

I nod my head as I look over at Diamond mugging her. "He just saved yo ass." I tell her. As I bend down and hug Missy while pecking her forehead a couple times Nicole pushes me off her.

"Get The Fuck Off My Child!" She hollers.

I extend my right hand back as I was about to pimp slap this bitch Kash grabs my hand holding me back.

"She ain't worth it babygirl." He tells me as he pulls me out the room.

"You's a horrible ass mother! You ain't even there fo' yo daughter like you should be bitch!" I yell while being dragged by Kash.

Nicole let's go of Missy as she storms my way balling her fist.

"Bitch stop trying be me, stop tryna take my man, take my child from me! Stop bitch!" She yells.

"Ya know what fuck you bitch!"

I punch the shit out of Nicole that she fell backwards onto the floor as she grabs onto her busted lip that I cause.

"Bitch!" She yelled as she got herself up and spat on me.

No this bitch didn't?!!!!!

I grab onto a handful of her hair as Kash grabbed onto my waist trying to pull us apart, then security came running over as they try to do the same.

"Let go of my hair!" Nicole whines.

I hit her up the head a couple times until I heard Missy crying from her room and then I let her go.

I need to chill, I didn't want Missy seeing me like this nor Kash nor anybody but she pushed my fucking button I just blacked out.

"You have to leave ma'am." Says the security guard pulling in my arm.

I snatch my arm from him as he pulls on it again. "Yo let her fucking go! I got ha nigga." Says Kash pushing the dark skin skinny tall man off of me.

He put his hands up in surrender as he walks back inside the emergency room.

Kash grabs my hand as we walk out the building.

"I'm sorry Kash, but she was coming for me so I gave the bitch what she wanted." I explained myself.

"It's all good baby, let's just get the fuck outta here." He says as he opens the car door for me.

I nod as I hop in and then we pulled off.

Excuse mistakes !

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