Chapter 48.

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Lyric POV:

Knock knock!

We stood in front of Nikki's door, as we wait for her to open Kash just looks at me smiling and all.

I could tell he was real excited I was having his child, but I was feeling the total opposite.

I wasn't ready to be no mom, taking care of another human when I can barely take care of myself. I wasn't even financial stable at this point, yeah I know Kash wants me to move in with him in Jersey but honestly I still wasn't stuff about making this change.

So much was running thru my head that my thoughts stop when Nikki open the door.

"Kash?" Nikki looked at him then me confused.

"Wassuh." He said as she slide to the side letting us in.

I slightly smile at her as I begin to hug her.
"Are you okay?" I asked her already knowing the question.

She nods her head. "I'm fine, I just want my baby back." She says walking to the gray suede couch.

"Well you need to hop in some shoes so we can find this nigga and ya child." Says Kash leaning against the wall giving Nikki a serious stare.

"Besides I already know where that nigga be." He says pulling out his phone.

She quickly gets up and hugs Kash tightly.
"Thank you soooo much Kash! Oh my god, ya my hero." She yelps as I laugh at Kash who seems taken aback slowly patting her back.

"Uh no problem. Let's go." He says

She quickly let's go and runs in her bedroom to put on her all black timbs then we was out.


As we drove in silence while Hercules by Young Thug blared thru the speakers, I look back at Nikki who was looking back at me mouthing the words Thank You.

I nod my head as I pull my hand out and gently touch her knee. Your welcome , I mouthed back.

Minutes later Kash turns down the music as we pull up to abondanned looking building. He turns off his headlights as he puts his car in park.

"This where he be." He says as we both look at him crazy.

"Are you serious?" I said before Nikki could say it.

He looks at me laughing as he saw the expression on my face. "I actually think its smart of him, to keep a low profile while he kidnaps his son."

My face quickly frown to Kash rudeness as I slap him upside the head and nudge him as I point towards to back to Nikki reminding him.

He puts his hands up in surrender as he stops his laughs by tucking his lip in his mouth.

"Let's just get my son." Says Nikki opening the door.
Kash quickly stops her as he extends his hand to the back shutting her door back.

"Let me handle this." He says. "I already texted him and told him I was coming, alone. So I need y'all to stay here and if I'm not back in the next ten to twenty minutes , Lee you know what to do and I love you girl." He says kissing my forehead opening the car door.

I grab onto his arm before he can step out. "You scaring me Kash, whats about to happen?" I asked half afraid to know the truth.

He looks at me den back at Nikki who's just as confuse and worry as me.

"You want to son right?" He says to Nikki who quickly nods her head.

"Then I got this." He says as he pulls from my grip slipping out the vehicle.

Lord please make sure my man makes it out alive and safe.


Kash POV:

I made my way up the stair wale as I came to Joe's door. I gently did two knocks on the wooden door as I waited for him to open it.

"Wassuh man." He says dapping me up while letting me in.

"Wassuh man." I greeted him back.

"What you been up to?" He said sounding all hype.

"Shitttt, yanno me boolan and shit." I said as I lean against the wall.

I was actually surprise to see the inside. It was totally different from the outside. All you saw was flat screens, leather couches, a bar in the middle that had a shelf full of all types of alcohol and mix.

"As always. What you wanted to talk about." He says as he turns his back from me pouring a glass of Peach Ciroc. "You want some?" He asked.

"Nah I'm good." I said as I pull out my Glock 17 from my waist aiming it at him.

He slowly turns around as he face the tip of my gun while dropping the glass to the wooden floor making a clashing sound.

As the glass break I hear Ahmir begin to cry from the back room.

"What the fuck Kash?!" He yells out of shock.

I grin as I look at his pathetic ass.
"Look nigga all I came for the baby. So let me take him in peace and I wont have to kill yo ass, aight?" I let him know.

He nose begins to flare as he puts his hands beginning to laugh.

"That bitch." He mumbles. "She sent you didn't she?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Don't move nigga." I warn him as I slowly back away to the back room where I hear Ahmir cry.

He puts his hands back in surrender as he remains laughing.

I look from each room from door to door until I finally saw him. He was wearing a dirty looking white t and some pajama bottoms sitting up on the bed crying in the dark.

I turn on the light as I walk closer to him his screams became louder.

"Please don't hurt me." He cries out.

"Don't worry lil man, I ain't gonna hurt you." I said as I scooped him into my arms

As I walk out into the living room holding Ahmir , Joe was no where to be find.

"Fuck!" I cursed. I knew I should've killed that nigga.

As I try to hurry and make my exit I was stop by Ahmir gasping and the sound of a gun being cocked from behind me.

"Put my fucking son down now nigga." He warns me.

I stop in my tracks as I slowly put Ahmir down whispering in his ear to close his eyes.
He nods his head as he runs to his dad who haves his hand extend for Ahmir to grab, which he does.

I was going to regret what I'm about to do.

I quickly turn around as I aim my gun at Joe den ..


I gave him two shots in the chest. I watched as he slowly falls to floor holding onto his chest while letting go Ahmir's hand.

Blood splatters on me and Ahmir was he lands to the floor laid out. Ahmir eyes remain closed the whole time .

"Don't open yo eyes lil man." I tell him as he nods his head.

I quickly pick him up and making our exit.

I didn't want lil man to see his pops laid out like that even if he was a bad father, still no child needed to see something like that, especially at his age.

I quietly ran to the car as I put Ahmir in the back with his mother and hopped in myself.

"Oh my god what happen?!" Asked Lee worry.

"Ahmir oh my god mommy's here baby." Nikki says kissing all over his face.

Lee touches on my face as I pull out.
I look over to her shaking my head letting her know wassuh without putting it in words.

She nods her head as she leans over and kisses my cheek grabbing my hand, kissing it too.

Excuse mistakes !

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