Chapter 22.

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Lyric POV:

"I had a wonderful time Mamí, you company was bliss." G said as we made our way back to my suite.

"I enjoyed your company too, thank you for this night." I said as I gave him a hug after I opened my door.

He hold me for a good second and then released me. "When will I see you again?"

"Uh I'm not sure, well how about at the club that I now own." I smirked.

He giggles at my devious look. "Of course, oh and what are you going to call it?"

I looked up to the ceiling as I thought of a name, then it came to me.

My eyes lite up and I spoke. "Blue Flame." I softly but proudly said.

"That sounds like a great name." He smiles.

I nodded. "Well I better get going, I'll see you soon beautiful." He said missing my hand before walking off.

I went inside and headed straight to my king size bed. As I jumped on it I pulled out my phone and saw all the missed calls from Kash, so I decided to call back.

On the third ring he picked up.

"Hello." I singed into the phone.

"Baby girl look I'm not gonna be able to make it down there , some shit went down so imma have to stay and handle it." He says sounding in a hurry.

I sighed but I wasn't mad just a little disappointed, I knew I couldn't ask him what happen cus theirs other ears listening.

"Hmm okay, well call me when your available."

"Aight baby girl, be good."

"Be safe." And that was all before he hunged up.

I bury my head in my pillow as I tried to get some rest but then there was a knock at the door.

I slowly got up frustrated and swung open the door without even looking out the peep hole.


I blacked out.


Devin POV:

I pulled up to Lee suite when I got a call from Nicole.

"Yo." I said getting out the car getting out the car.

"Where the hell are you?!" She yelled into the phone.

"Why?" I questioned her.

"Uh hello, did you forget today is a special day."

"And that is?"

"It's me and my husband anniversary and yo ass was supposed to pick up Missy, ugh so where the fuck is yo ass!"

"Look calm yo ass down, and don't be calling my damn phone questioning what the fuck I'm doing." I sternly said into the phone

"Like I said where are you at?" She asked again.

"Handling some business, where Missy right now?" I said pressing the number on the elevator.

"She's with my mother now."

"So why the fuck is you fussing." I said as the doors closed and the white man behind gives me a fake smile as he being nosey.

"Cus yo ass was supposed to get her, and you know she be starting them damn tantrums now mama called and said I need to get her ass. You is ruining my day." She barked into the phone.

"Yo ass ruin yo own day when you decide to cheat on the nigga."

The man looks at me side way and I turned facing him with the phone still attached to my ear.

"Do we have a problem?!" I barked at him.

He shakes his head no, and then the doors open and he makes his exit as I still sat in there.

"Fuck you Dev! Cus you was apart of that shit too."

"Ya know I don't give a fuck about that nigga, and its crazy cus I actually thought you was a good girl."

"Well when being with you ass , I cant be good anymore. So this yo fault."

"Bye Nani." I said as I pressed the end button.

The floor finally came and I walked over towards her door.

The door was wide opened to my surprise, so I guess she knew I would be over here soon.

I slid inside as I called her name out but she wouldn't appear.

"Lee stop playing man, you wanted to talk so now I'm here." I yelled enough for her to hear, but still she was silent a invisible.

I start looking everywhere and I soon to realize she was gone, by observing the glass on her living room floor, I knew some shit done happened.

Then I got a unknown call. I usually don't picked it up so I decline it but then it called again so I decided to pick up and see who it is.


"Devin! Dev! HELP!" I heard familiar voice scream in the background.

"Lee ?! Is that you?" I asked unsure.

"If ya want this bitch to survive then give me what I want." Said a deep voice.

"Who the fuck is this?" I yelled into the phone.

"Don't worry about it nigga, now bring my shit or this be the last time you see nor hear from her ass."

"Please Dev!" She cried.

"Listen Lee baby I'm coming for you." I said storming out the hotel running to my ride.

"That's what I like to hear, now meet us over by Lincoln ave and if yo ass even try to think slick. We gonna body this broad but after we pipe her down."

"Don't you fucking touch her nigga, I will murk yo ass. You must not know who the hell I am."

"We know who the fuck you is. You the whole reason for dis shit." He stated then hung up.

I was clueless to who the fuck wanted to hurt Lee, then I thought the unthinkable.

"That nigga Kash."

It all made since he was the only nigga I know who can pull off this shit and the only one I had beef with as of now.

But why put Lee into this I thought from the looks of it he was feeling her, but I guess that was a front.

"Aight nigga, guess this my opportunity to kill yo ass for good." I said out loud to no one in particular.

Excuse mistakes !

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