Chapter 36.

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Lyric POV:
Ever since that day I had to beat Tink ass I've been nothing but a bitch towards Devin , even tho he didn't do anything with Tink he still was a lair and a cheater at that.

But he begged me not to leave him and to work things out, so I decided to stay in the house with him but to take it slow.

I love Devin with all my heart and its like with him I don't want to lose him, I may always wanna leave and shit but that's just so be can chase me back.

"Hey you want something to eat?" Devin asked as he peek his head into the doorway of one of the rooms I was in.

"No I'm fine, thanks." Was all I said not giving him any contact as I focus all my attention towards the TV

"So we just not going to talk?" He asked stepping inside.

"No Devin we're not. I don't wanna talk about Nicole, Tink, nothing. I just wanna watch this movie in peace." I sternly said getting annoy with the convo.

He walks over towards the queen size bed and takes a seat on the edge of it while looking back at me. "Well I'm gonna watch it with you, what's it call?" He asked while smacking on his on snicker.

"Close yo mouth, and its call Knock knock." I said while folding my arms paying close attention to the movie.

"Girl shh, and What's it about?" Be says while getting himself comfy.

"Watch and see."

He looks back at me while mugging me causing me to giggle.

"Get out of my face Devin."

And he does just that paying his attention to the the movie also.

"Damn that was a good movie." Says Devin as he comes up to the top beside me.

"Yes it was." I said hopping out off the bed but he pulls on my arm.

"Wait Lee."

"Hmm?" I say looking at him confuse

"I don't want it to be like this, I can't stand you parading around this house and I'm not even allow to touch you or barely talk. I need you Lee, I fucked up multiple times and I'm sorry baby. I'm trying so hard to be a better man for you and myself. Please Lee give a nigga another chance, please!."
He says looking deeply into my eyes.

"Please Devin-"

"No Lee ! I'm not giving up not until I have you again. I love you too much to just give up. Stop resisting me, tell me you don't love me Lee, just tell me and then Ill leave ya alone."

"For good?" I question him.

He nods his head.

Tell him bitch, tell him you don't love him.

But I do love him, with all my hear i love him so much.

Bitch if you don't shut your soft ass up and tell him you don't love him, think of all the bad shit he done to you. You put yo trust in him and look what he does to you, play yo ass over and over again. Stop being so fucking naïve and TELL HIM!

"I don't love you." I said already regreting it.

He looks me deep in my eyes and suddenly becomes upset.

"Well then I'm gone." He says as he gets out of tee bed letting my hand go and walking outta the room then out the front door causing it to slame.

I laid back in the bed as I broke down into tears as I heard his Bugatti sped off.

What the fuck did I just do??


Kash POV:

I riding around in Harlem as I observe my surroundings.

Word on the block was that Lee got a crib with that nigga Devin in Staden island.

I decided to hit her up just to see if she was good.

Ring ring ring!

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone sounding like she was crying.

"You good ma?" I asked.

"Kash? Oh hey yes I'm fine, how you been?"
"I've been good, you sure you okay?" I asked concerned about her.

"I assure you I'm fine Kash." She says.

"Well aight den." I say about to hang up but she stops me by saying my name.

"Uh Kash?"


"Are you out here?"

"Yeah why?"

"Can we meet up?"

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Me and Devin aren't together if that's what you thinking, and I need to talk to you about something anyways."

"Well aight where you wanna meet?"

"Meet me over by that pizza shop that we used to go to."

"When we was like 12?" I laugh reminiscing the time I stuffed a Pineapple with bacon pizza into Lyric's mouth and she spit it out making in land into somebody else food that they ate.

"Yes Kash." She giggled.

"Aight see ya there."

"Okay." she said as I hung up.

Even tho I said I was done with Lee, a part of me still loves and miss the girl. I was just glad I was getting to see her, so much shits been going on I didn't mind at all if I could see her beautiful face once more.

Excuse mistakes !

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