Chapter 37.

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Lyric POV:

"Hey." I said as I saw Kash sitting down smacking on a cheese pizza as I sat across from him.

"Wassuh." He said as he grabbed my hand.
"What you wanted to talk about?" He ask getting straight to the point.

"Well I'm guessing you already know being that Nikki big mouth told you but -"

"Don't say it, I already know and I don't wanna keep hearing about it. It's in the past but all I wanna know is why she try to kill you?" He says cutting me off.

I clear my throat as I look out into the window, watching everybody in a rush to their next destination. "She used to go wit Devin and she found out I was messing with you too so she wanted me dead. She said I didn't deserve neither of you, and she's right."

He grabs my chin pulling my face to his. "Don't say that, Lee, you is an amazing beautiful women who deserves somebody who's gonna treat you right, give you the world so don't you ever question your worth." He says while gently rubbing my cheek with his index finger.

"Why are you so good to me Kash? After all the fucked up shit I did to you, you still respect me, why?" I seriously asked him.

"Because when I truly love somebody its hard for me to just not care and show them respect." He states.

"I swear I don't know why I aint pick you over Devin." I said shaking my head while putting my head in my hands.

He chuckles. "Well its obvious you love dude moe den me." He says.

I look up to him and something just comes over me as I lean over and peck his soft lips against mines.

He looks at me confused as the room grew in silence. Then he softly smiles at me as my cheeks grew red out of embarrassment.

"I gotta go, I'll catch you later aight." He says standing to his feet laying down a 50 as I stand to mines.

"Im sorry Kash." Was all I said while putting my head down.

He gently pulls it back up and gives me one long passionate kiss as I close my eyes enjoying the moment.

"Don't apologize for nothing, okay?" He says as I nod my head in agreement.

"I see ya later, okay. I love you Lee." He says walking off.

"I love you too." I mummbled under my breath as I saw him speed off in his Escalade.

Devin POV:

I sat there in my Bugatti as I observe everything that was going on between Kash and Lee.

She really had a nigga fucked up, we wasn't even broken up for at least a month and she already moved on and back to this nigga.

I just didn't get it, this girl was tryna make it seem like I'm playing her like a fool but the whole time she's playing me.

I watch as I saw her hop in her Mercedes Benz and drove off. I quickly follow behind her two cars behind her, then I saw she was on her way home.

I quickly hop on the highway so I can beat her there.


"So I see how you get down." I said with my arms fold seeing her creep into the house.

She jumps out of fear. "God you scared me Dev. And what is you talking about?" She said placing her bag down on the coffee table.

"Don't fucking play stupid , I saw you with that nigga Kash, kissing all over him and shit."

She looks at me with her mouth wide open. "You was following me?!"

"What the fuck you think?! I'm glad I did cus now I see yo true colors. Ya know what you wanna be wit that nigga den get the fuck out of my house!" I demanded.

She looks at me sideways. "Nigga I ain't going no where last time I checked this is OUR house, not yours the fuck." She says.

I yank her by her arm as I drag her towards the front door. "Get the fuck out bitch! Go be wit that nigga." I said pushing her out but she punches me square in the face causing me to jerk back grabbing my face.



She falls to the floor as she grabs her face feeling the blood pour down her nose that I cause , and tears instantly come steaming down her face.

"My nose!" She cries out.

I quickly ran over to her picking her up putting her head onto my lap while supporting her.

"I'm sorry babyeh." I said regretting what I just did.

She quickly gets up and runs out of the door while holding her nose. I chase behind her but she was already in her car. As I try to open the door and explain myself she locks them while looking at me in terror.

"Why would you do that to me." She mouths out.

"Lee please open the door, I'm sorry baby, please." I pleaded.

She shakes her head and starts her engine then I start to bang on her window.

"Open the fucking door Lee!" I demand causing her to scream in fear and speeds off.


Excuse mistakes !

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