Chapter 46.

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Devin POV:

As I slept peacefully in bed I hear commotion going on in the hallway that woke me up.

You's a horrible ass mother! You ain't even there fo' yo daughter like you should be bitch!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

"Bitch stop trying be me, stop tryna take my man, take my child from me! Stop bitch!" I hear another voice say.


Then it hit me, I knew exactly who these two people were. I just couldn't believe they was fighting right here and right now. I shook my head to the screaming that mostly Nicole was doing. I couldn't even get up and go out there and stop em , I was stuck.

I shake my head as I heard security pull Lee out and getting Nicole situated.

"Where's my baby daddy?!" Yells Nicole from the halls.

I shake my head as her ratchetness. I wonder what the got into her to make her act this way, she used to be a good girl and that's the reason why I let her have my seed but now her attitude is just ridiculous.

Seconds later bust inside my room is a angry and beaten up Nicole. I shook my head at her presence.

"What you not happy to see me?" She asks while she walks in more closing the door behind her .

"Sadly I'm not Nicole. As a matta fact why wasn't ya ass here yesterday when we landed inside here?!" I sternly asked her as I twisted up my nose getting myself prepare to hear some bs come out her mouth

"I got in some trouble with Matthew." She says beginning to break down in tears.

"What happen?" I asked trying to sound concern but half of me wasn't.

"He kicked me out, he threw all my stuff out the house Dev! He said I was no longer welcome there since I don't trust him and I wasn't on his side when Melisa said he touched her!" She cried out kneeling on her knees.

I look down at here shaking my head from side to side. Can you believe this?

"I did Dev, I was on his side, I defend for him." She cries.

"Can you hear yourself right now?!" I said looking at her in disgust.

She looks up at me with lost eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you choosing this nigga words over your fucking daughters ! How the fuck can you defend for a nigga who obviously gives two fucks about you and not YOUR damn Daughter?! The one who looks up to yo sorry ass." I shake my head as I stop, then I continue.

"I swear I don't know what the hell gotten into you over these couple months."
I said resting my head in my hands.

"That fucking bitch Lyric!" She screamed.

I looked up at her sideways. "Tone yo fucking voice down aight? Now why the fuck is you bringing up Lyric , this ain't got shit to do with her. This is about yo Daughter, Nicole."

"This haves everything to do with her. She took my man from me and my child. " she states as she balls up her fist in anger.

"She was fucking there for yo daughter more den ya ass was! You was soo busy sniffing yo husband ass that you wasn't even paying attention to Missy. Instead me and Lee, a women who doesn't have to but wants to help take care of YO child. So don't make it seem like she's ginning for you. And as for me I been stop being yo man a long time ago, so it shouldn't even be going further den that."

She looks at me with hurt eyes cus she knew I meant every word I said, and I did.

"You really love her, huh?" She asks as she begins to chuckle pacing back n forth.

"Without a doubt." I said proudly.

"Well news flash nigga she's no longer yours , what you fail to realize is that she's gone and she ain't coming back from you nor Missy. I'm gonna always be around regardless of anything Devin. So take a good look cus this right here." She says pointing at her herself spinning around.

"This gonna always be here baby, trust and believe dat." She says.

"Nah cus after I get the fuck out this hospital I'm getting full custody of Melisa , so trust and believe dat now get the fuck out my room." I yelled pointing towards the door.

"Fuck you Devin! You ain't taking my baby." She says storming out.

She just don't know, I already spoke to my lawyers about this and she's already getting a trail ready to be put in position. Basically Missy is already mines, in my eyes.

Kash POV:

I sat at the edge of the bed as I look over my shoulder to see Lee who's looking up at the ceiling.

"You good ma?" I asked her breaking her outta her thoughts.

She nods her head while still looking up.
"I'm just tried of all this Kash, like I can't do this anymore." She stated.

I crawl up to her side as I pull her close into my rams wrapping my arms around her waist. I look down into her dark brown eyes and I could see right thru her. The pain, guilt, and hurt she's been thru.

All I wanted to do was hold her and make all the pain go away as much as I could. "So let's get away from it all." I said seriously.

She looks up at me in shock. "And go where.?" She ask as she sits herself up and I do the same.

"Come with me to Jersey." I tell her.

She looks away as I see how unsure she is about this decision. I turn her face back towards me as I lean in closer.

"It can just be me and you baby, beside I always wanted you to meet the whole fam. I see my future wit ya girl, I got plans for the both of us , so trust me on dis one." I tell her as our lips separate centimeters away from one another.

"That's such a big change Kash, New York is all I know." She says putting her head down shaking it.

"Well baby girl I'm willing to show you the ropes." I tell her lifting her chin up with my index finger.

She smiles, "Den let's give it a shot." She says smirking.

I lean and kiss her soft full lips passionately as she grips onto my member.

"Mmm you so nasty bae." I said looking down out her as she pulls him out my pants.

"Just for you Daddy. Now give me that act right." She demands.

My eyes shot open to her boldness. "Ooh Damn Well Aight Girl." I said flipping her on her stomach while smacking her ass.

Yeah life is about to get better wit her. She just don't know.

Excuse mistakes !

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