Legend 3: Separation

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-Wind Tribe-Elder Mun-Deok's Home-Night-
"His condition is improving, thankfully." Y/N sighed in relief as she was kneeled beside Tae-yeon, Yona on the other side, while Hak leaned against the wall.
"You should relax, you might collapse again, Princess." Hak stated.
Y/N glanced between the two curiously, but stayed quiet.
"Hak, is there anything I can do?" Yona questioned, surprising Y/N, though she didn't show it.
Hak, obviously also surprised at first, smirked. "Well, a court lady should try to be a little sexier." he stated.
"Oi! That's no way to speak to a woman, Komoi-kun!" Y/N growled, only to freeze when Hak had bent down beside Yona and tugged at her cheeks like a grandparent would to a child.
"It's fine, you can live a care free life here, like L/N-chan." Hak told Yona, before standing and leaving the room.
"How can you stand him? Care free? He obviously hasn't been around here in a long time, do you know how many messes I have to clean up as soon as I walk through those gates?" Y/N ranted as she was steaming with anger.
"Y/N-chan." the (H/C) paused and looked at the red head.
"Sorry, Princess." Y/N muttered. "He just really upsets me, and he complains about how my brother isn't a gentleman, while he goes around thinking all women are good for is-"
"Y/N-chan." Yona cut Y/N off once again. "Have we met somewhere before?"
"Eh?" Y/N blinked a few times, as if surprised by the question. She then smiled, the first time in a long time it felt like. "Mhmm...We have." she nodded.
"Eh!? When!?" Yona asked, quietly shouting to not wake up Tae-yeon.
Y/N's blank expression quickly returned as she placed a finger over her own lips. "For me and Akio to know, and you to find out." She winked, before standing up. "I need to go talk to Mun-deok, so please try and rest, I'm sure that Tae-yeon will be ok." Y/N assured the redhead, before leaving the room and going straight to Mun-deok's.
As she was about to knock, a voice broke the quiet atmosphere in the hallways. "Please come in, L/N-chan."
Y/N slid open the door and walked in. "Can't sleep sir?" she questioned with a calm expression.
"You can't either, it seems like." the elder sighed, looking up from the paper he had been writing on.
"Well someone's gotta keep an eye on the Wind Tribe at night." Y/N shrugged.
Mun-deok chuckled, before pausing. "Hak is coming, do you mind hiding over there?" Y/N's silver orbs followed the old man's gaze to a dresser.
"Hai." Y/N nodded and opened the almost vacant dresser, before crouching down and closing the doors, just as Hak entered the room.
Y/N pressed her ear against the wooden door.
"It's rare for you to offer me such great sake." Mun-deok's calm voice said.
"No. This is from your prized sake cellar." It was silent for a second. "What a waste." Y/N rolled her eyes as she could just imagine Mun-deok spitting out the drink.
"So? What do you want?" Mun-deok asked.
"I was just thinking." Well that's dangerous. Y/N thought bitterly. "If it were you alone, you probably would've charged into the castle with a single spear." Hak stated.
"You're one to talk." Mun-deok grumbled.
"You're putting too much stress on your body, old man." Y/N couldn't help but to hum in agreement. "I have a request. I need you to approve Soo-Won becoming the new king. Tomorrow morning, I'm leaving the Wind Tribe. You can have the Son name back, too." Y/N bit her lower lip as she listened. "Think only of protecting the Wind Tribe. Once you approve, the Fire Tribe should stop bothering you."
"You might end up with a bounty over your head." Mun-deok pressured.
"That's cool. Maybe I'll become Kouka's greatest villian."
Baka. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Are you leaving the princess behind?" Y/N awaited the answer in anticipation.
"She's finally able to smile just a little again, I'm glad I brought her here." Y/N frowned as she continued to listen in on the conversation. "I have another favor to ask of you. Hide Princess Yona from the castle, and let her live her whole life as a member of the Wind Tribe!" Hak stated.
"No." Mun-deok's stern voice stated, and Y/N couldn't help but to mentally cheer. "I refuse to take requests from my grandson, I won't let you go."
"Old man..." Hak's growl was filled with annoyment.
"Though, I suppose I couldn't refuse my chief's orders." Y/N tensed up.
"Those are the final orders of Son Hak, chief of the Wind Tribe."
Once Y/N heard the door slide closed, she slammed the doors to the wardrobe open, a scowl present on her usually blank face.
"You're just gonna let him go, just like that?!" She angrily questioned. Y/N then paused when she saw the older man crying.
Growling, Y/N began to rush out of the house, only to be stopped by Akio at the entrance. "Woah, where's the fire?" the silver haired male smiled.
"A-Akio, you're back already?" Y/N stuttered, surprised.
"Yeah, Heang-dea should be giving Tae-yeang his medicine right about now. Where were you running to anyways?" Akio questioned.
"Hak is thinking of leaving. I was hoping to stop him." Y/N sighed. "But you said you guys got the medicine?" Y/N questioned, quickly walking to Tae-yeang's room, relaxing a bit as she saw the young boy being cuddled with.
"I'm gonna take this corpse with me while I go check on the merchants." Tae-Woo said as he began to walk out the doorway.
"But I'm not dead." Heang-dea weakly whined as he was dragged out.
Y/N sighed and shook her head, going to help the brunet with the almost lifeless like boy.
On their way, Y/N noticed Hak walking out of the weaponry store. Squinting, Y/N quickly walked in his direction.
When close enough, Y/N took off one of her shoes and threw it at the back of the tall male's head, causing him to stop immediately in his tracks.
"How dare you just decide to leave! Were you even planning on saying good-bye to the princess!?" Y/N shouted.
"Ah, I knew someone was listening." Hak sighed loudly as he rubbed the back of his head, turning to glare at Y/N as she hopped over to where he was, grabbing her shoe off of the ground and putting it back on.
"It's already been decided, so don't try and change my mind." Hak frowned.
"You're an idiot." Y/N deadpanned.
"Hah!? Why are you so mean to me?" Hak scowled.
"Because you're annoying, that's why." Y/N bluntly answered, before sighing and looking up at the taller male, silver eyes reflecting the moon.
"Well then why do you care if I leave or not?" Hak glared at her.
"Because Yona-hime will be very upset when she finds out you left." Y/N answered, crossing her arms over her chest.
Hak sighed. "Geez, you're just like her in some ways." he mumbled, before staring at Y/N seriously. "Listen, I'm going to leave. It's final and no one will stop me from leaving." he stated, before turning away and walking away.
Before Y/N could walk away, she heard her name being shouted.
Turning, she smiled slightly as she saw Tae-yeon waving to her in the doorway of his home. "I see you're feeling better." she said, crouching down to his height and ruffling his hair.
"Grandpa told me that you and Akio-kun were going back home in the morning." Tae-yeon pouted.
Y/N smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, we've got to meet up with a friend who needs some cleaning supplies and herbs. I promise we'll be back though, OK?" she said.
"OK!" Tae-yeon beamed.
"Now let's get you back in bed it's getting late."

-Wind Tribe Gates-Next Morning-
"You're just gonna let them go?" Akio questioned as the two stared from the top of the steps as they watched Hak and Yona disappear within the trees, heading in the direction of the mountains.
"I'm sure they'll be fine, plus, I have a feeling we'll meet eventually." Y/N said with her usual blank expression.
Akio stared at his twin, before sighing and nodding. "Very well then." he then grinned childishly. "Beat you down the steps!"
"O-Oi! Baka, come back here!" Y/N yelped, chasing after the silver haired male who simply laughed in reply.

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