Legend 5: The Search Begins

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(A/N: tbh, the gif is basically how I picture Y/N's emotionless/blunt expressions.)

-The Priest's Cottage-Later that Night-

"I have a favor to ask of you both." Y/N and Hak stopped their bickering as they gazed at the blond male.
"I want you to take Yoon on your journey." Ik-Su said.

Y/N frowned as she sat on one of the branches of the trees.

"Y/N-chan, Akio-kun, I want to request something from you both as well." Y/N and Akio stopped walking, allowing Hak and Yona to walk ahead of them.
"I know you two will be joining their adventure as well, but I want you to keep your secret a little longer. At least until you both meet the Howaito Dragon."
The twins glanced at eachother, before nodding in agreement. "As you wish."

Y/N sighed, leaning her back against the trunk of the tree and closing both of her silver irises.

-The Priest's Cottage-Morning-
"Yoon, you did a great job." Y/N praised her best friend while watching Yona twirl around in her new outfit.
"Well, it's not silk, but it has to be better then what you were wearing before." Yoon told Yona, who happily agreed.
"Hmm...I need something sharp, so I can even out my hair." Yona then looked around, before picking up an axe.
"W-wait!" Y/N and Yoon shouted.
Y/N quickly took the axe from Yona, as Yoon looked for something better to cut her hair with.
When Y/N came back, she leaned against the doorframe as she eyed Yoon evening out the red hair that had been so brutually slewn from when, as Yona explained, the Fire Tribe attacked them. (A/N: Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. *is put into timeout by Hak*)
"You can do anything, can't you Yoon?" Yona asked cheerfully.
"My only flaw is that I'm too handsome." Yoon admitted, causing Y/N to smirk.
"And you're too full of yourself, Yoon." she joked.
"Oi! Don't be teasing me when I have something sharp in my hand!"
"You don't have the guts to do anything to me, oh handsome one!" Y/N stuck her tongue out at Yoon, causing the poor boy to blush in embarrassement.
"A-anyways, I'm done." Yoon said, going to the bowl he had full of water and cleaning the razor.
"Ah, thank you. You know everything Yoon." Yona praised as she played with her short hair, which Y/N couldn't help but feel that it suited the princess better than her long hair had.
"Well I can't help it. I'm a genius." Yoon said as he picked up the bowl of water. "I can memorize books after reading them once." he said, going towards the back door of the hut.
"Amazing." Yona said, Y/N nodding in agreement in the backgroud.
"Though I've only read a few books, there are tons of books in the world that I'm not familiar with. It makes me angry." Yoon stated, almost looking like he was pouting.
"Would you like to read them?" Yona smiled.
"Of course." Yoon nodded as he put the supplies he had been using away.
"Listen, Yoon..." Y/N perked up at the sad tone in Yona's voice. She knew what the red haired princess was about to say.
"But it's ok." Yoon assured. "I'll collect books bit by bit, and until then, I'm stuck with this filthy thing." Yoon said, holding up a torn up blue book.
"What book is that?" Yona questioned.
"It's some book Ik-Su found in the garbage, and he tore it when he tripped over nothing." Yoon explained
"He sure is clumsy." Yona sweatdropped.
"You're telling me." Y/N quickly agreed.
"He's definently stupid, though even his 'god' talk might seem phony, I know that he can't..." Yoon paused as Yona suddenly gave her full attention to the boy, and Y/N grinned in a knowing way. "...lie." Yoon blushed in embarrasement. "Anyways, you should be leaving on your journey soon, shouldn't you? And shouldn't you be heading back home now that you've done your job?" Yoon questioned both females bitterly. "I don't have time to look after you both and your two idiots." Yoon stated as he began to walk out.
Y/N frowned as she saw Yona's heartbroken expression. Placing an assuring hand on Yona's shoulder, the (H/C) female left the hut.

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N smiled as she stood between Ik-Su and Akio. "I'm glad that Yoon-kun will finally be able to see the world." Akio sighed happily.
"But are you sure you'll be OK?" Y/N looked at Ik-Su unsure.
"Hai hai, I'll be fine." Ik-Su nodded quickly as he smiled widely. "Just keep them all protected, since you both are the leader, Gin Dragon, it's up to you both to also protect the other four Dragon Warriors." Ik-Su stated.
"Will do, thank you again, for everything Ik-Su." the twins bowed.

___Quick Time Skip___
The three talked as they began to walk towards the abandoned road, before Hak was suddenly tackled to the ground.
"O-Oi!" he shouted, as Y/N smirked while sitting on his back Indian style.
"Not so fast, you didn't really think we'd let you three go alone, did you?" Y/N questioned smugly, before allowing Yoon to help her off of the blue-dressed male.
"Of course not, I was just not expecting you to jump on my back!" Hak yelled in annoyment as Akio helped him up from the ground.
"You mean you'll be coming with us?" Yona questioned surprised yet happy.
"Yes, Princess, I hope you don't mind." Y/N said, putting an arm over Yona's shoulder in a friendly gesture. "After all, you need someone to protect you from those two boys." Y/N smirked at Hak, who looked even more annoyed, and Yoon, who blushed.
"I wouldn't do anything with the princess!" Yoon pleaded.
"Yes, but you couldn't possibly protect her from Hak, plus, I was talking about the White Dragon." Y/N smirked.
"Why you-" Yoon scowled and began to chase Y/N, who laughed mockingly as she ran around Hak, Yona, and Akio, the first two surprised since they hadn't really experienced Y/N's playful nature yet.
"Alright, let's just get this over with." Hak sighed, picking up Y/N by the hood of her cloak and then placing her back down so that she was now standing between Akio and Yona, and Yoon stood on the other side of Hak.
"Hai hai." The four others nodded in agreement.

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