Legend 34: Forget

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-UNKNOWN-Two Days Later-
"Oh? So this is where this 'oracle' lives?" Jaeha questioned as the group traveled down the familiar road towards Ik-Su. "You used to live here, Yoon?"
"Yeah. It hasn't been that long ago, but it feels like it's been years." Yoon smiled.
"Yoon, you're being cute again~" Y/N teased.
"Shut up!" Yoon blushed.
Eventually the group were in front of the familiar hut.
"Ik-su, I'm back!" Yoon happily stated, sliding the door open.
Everyone gaped at the sight of everything practically in shambles, with everything strewn across the hut.
"What happened...? Ik-su! Why?!" Finally catching sight of the clumsy blond, Yoon ran over to the priest.
"Huh? Yoon?" Ik-Su asked.
"Hold on, I'll patch you up." Yoon said as he helped Ik-su sit up.
"Sorry, I got so hungry that I slipped and fell." Y/N facepalmed at the man's explanation.

____Quick Time Skip____
"Whew! That was a close call!" Ik-su smiled widely.
"Quit fooling around, you stupid priest! How in the course of a normal life, do you wreck the house, nearly starve to death, and get so hurt from falling?!" Yoon shouted, soon being pulled back by Y/N and Akio. "You really can't do anything without me! You're such a pain! Go back to heaven!"
"I'm so glad to hear your angry voice!" Ik-Su beamed as he folded his hands together.
"Yoon cried and got all upset." Jaeha grinned.
Yoon blushed in embarrassment. "I didn't cry and I wasn't upset!"
"Oracle, please excuse our sudden visit. I am happy to meet you." Kija said, bowing.
"Oh, no, the pleasure's mine." Ik-su said, standing up and also bowing.
Ik-su then looked over the group and smiled. "Ah~ You've grown into quite a crowd. And Princess Yona, you seem to have gone through a lot."
"Ik-su, all the Five Dragons are here." Yoon said.
"Oh, so they did find out about you two." Ik-Su smiled at the L/N twins, who nodded.
"What does the 'sword and shield to protect the sovereign' mean?" Yoon asked Ik-su. "Is the sovereign Yona? Or is it the current king, Su-won?"
Ik-su frowned and sat back down. "It seems we need a little more time before the sword and shield to protect the sovereign appear." He said. "You will all know when the time comes."
"Hmm...So now's not the time. Okay, then, what should we do now?" Yoon sighed.
"Hey, why is everyone avoiding the real subject?" Everyone turned to Zeno in surprise. "Missy, what do you want to do with the Four Dragons together?"
"Huh?" Yona looked a bit startled by the question.
"I understand you need manpower since you and he were chased out of the castle. You need it to survive. But what about the future? Do you plan on running forever?" The blond male asked.
"No, I don't." Yona stated with a determined gaze.
"No? Then do you plan on killing Su-Won for the usurpation of the throne, claiming back the Crimson Dragon Castle and your throne?" Zeno asked.
Y/N and Akio exchanged glances.
"T-that's impossible! Even the Five Dragons can't take down a castle with just this number-"
"It's not a matter of can or can't." Y/N spoke up, her blank expression from months before having returned.
"It's a matter of will." Akio added, his expression matching his sister's.
"Besides, if the Five Dragons are serious, it isn't impossible to take down a castle." Zeno stated.
It was quiet for a few minutes.
"Although, Zeno doesn't have that kind of power!" Zeno happily exclaimed, causing everyone to slump a bit at his carefree attitude.
"You...!" Akio looked annoyed.
"Sorry for overstepping as the new guy. Zeno's not telling you what to do." Zeno stated as Ao climbed into the male's crazy blond colored hair. "Zeno's simply wondering what you're going to do. Zeno decided to come with you, so you're free to decide what you want to do, too." He smiled widely.
Yona had a thoughtful look on her face.
"Anyways, Zeno's hungry!"
"You're always hungry!" Akio shouted back.
"I guess I'll start cooking. Y/N?" Yoon glanced at the (H/C).
"Hai, hai, I'm coming." Y/N nodded.
"Yay, chow time~!" Zeno jumped around excitedly.

"Man, Zeno surprised me." Jaeha said while himself, Hak, Kija, Shin-ah, and Y/N stood outside. "I didn't think he'd cut to the heart like that with the kid."
"True, I just don't quite understand him just yet." Kija agreed.
In a way, though, he reminds me of Akio. Y/N thought, glancing back at the hut where Akio was restraining from choking the poor Golden Dragon who was happily speaking with Yona.
"It has not been so long since the princess lost her father. That was a heavy question to ask. She can barely protect herself." Kija continued.
"It's not as simple as avenging her father." Jaeha frowned. "A traitor for the kid doesn't necessary mean the same for the people."
Y/N sighed, resting her hand in her chin as she listened from the tree branch above Hak.
"For her to claim back her throne means to take charge of the whole kingdom. That's too much to ask a sixteen-year-old girl to do." Jaeha continued.
Kija nodded in agreement. "Hak, you know the king, correct? What kind of person is he?" He asked, causing Y/N to tense up.
"Beats me." Hak answered, beginning to walk away.
Y/N frowned as she watched him leave.
"He never says anything when it comes to Su-won." Y/N said as soon as Hak was out of earshot. "You shouldn't have expected a reply from him."
"I suppose he has that much hatred towards him." Kija said.
"No." Y/N shook her head, jumping onto the ground and landing perfect on her feet. "He had a lot of affection towards Su-won. Back then, it was hard to hate a guy like Su-won." She sighed, leaning her hip against the tree's trunk.
"How about now?" Shin-ah asked, causing Y/N to tense up once more, and the three obviously noticed.
"I don't know anymore. He's changed, I think..." She then shrugged. "Don't go asking me, though, I don't know anything about men. They should come with an instruction scroll in my opinion." She stated, before walking into the hut.

Y/N had startled awake from a nightmare, looking around frantically with wide silver orbs, she slowly calmed down when she saw the familiar sleeping faces of her comrades.
I wish...it wasn't just a dream. She thought as she covered half of her face. Wait. Looking back at the familiar faces, she noticed that two were missing.
Silently standing up, Y/N slid the door to the hut open and walked out.
Beginning to walk around, searching for Akio and Yona, she paused as she heard a stick crack behind her.
Grabbing the sword in her belt, she turned around quickly and metal clashed against metal.
"Trying to pick a fight with me now of all times?" Hak grinned a bit at Y/N.
She scoffed, lowering her sword. "If I wanted to do that, I'd do it when you could see me better. Otherwise it's an unfair fight." She stated.
Hak made a movement with his sword that thrusted it towards Y/N's chest, though Y/N blocked it with her sword with just a quick flick of her wrist.
"Life isn't fair." Hak replied casually.
Y/N clicked her tongue in annoyment, though knew that he was right.
"Come on, spar with me, it'll release your stress." Hak stated, taking a few steps away from her.
"I'm not stressed." Y/N scowled.
"Your shaking shoulders tell me otherwise." Hak stated with a serious expression.
"You want to spar? Fine then." Y/N growled, not liking that her weakness was being pointed out.
The two got into stance, before Y/N striked first.
"What's the matter?" Hak asked.
"Nothing's the matter. In fact, I think that I should be asking you the same thing." She stated through clenched teeth, trying to trip the man, though failed as Hak simply jumped over her foot.
"Are you seriously bringing up Su-won again?" Hak growled, looking for some sort of opening on the female.
"I might be. Why? Is that what's got you so stressed?" Y/N dully asked, giving him no opening that he could see.
"Of course not." He stated.
"Then what is it? Is it Yona?" Y/N scowled.
"You sound as if you wish it wasn't." Hak smirked.
"This is no time to joke." Y/N growled, stomping on Hak's foot, then jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow.
"I'm afraid not." Hak flinched.
Y/N took her opportunity to trip him.
Hak grunted as he landed in the dirt, the first thing he saw was Y/N with her sword pointed at him, the moonlight reflecting around her head like a halo.
Almost like an angel of darkness... He thought, before feeling a few drops fall onto his face.
"It's about to rain, let's get to shelter." He stated, slightly breathless.
Y/N sighed, but agreed.
Eventually the two found an abandoned cave just as it began to pour.
"It looks like it won't stop anytime soon." Hak observed.
Turning to look at Y/N, he noticed that the (H/C) was checking over her bandaged shoulder.
"Does it still hurt?" He questioned while he walked towards her.
"Just a bit, but it'll heal." Y/N assured. "I don't think the sparring helped it much, though. Yoon might kill the both of us if he finds out."
"If he does that he won't have you to protect him anymore, though." Hak pointed out.
"Yoon can protect himself." Y/N scowled as she stood up for her best friend.
"Yes, I believe he can." Hak sighed, kneeling in front of her and placing his cloak over her.
Y/N looked up at Hak in surprise, locking her eyes with his own and freezing a bit when she saw the terror in his gaze.
Lifting her hand up, she cupped Hak's cheek and tilted her head to the side a bit. "You're scared."
"Who isn't?" Hak sighed while he quickly pulled away from the female's embrace and sat beside her.
"True." Y/N sighed, leaning her head against the cave's wall. "Though you hide it very well."
"You hide a lot of things very well though, don't you?" Hak replied, causing Y/N to sigh loudly.
"Maybe I'll tell you one day, Hak. But...For now...Please, forget about me." She told him sternly.
"You're making it sound as if you're about to leave." Hak scowled.
Y/N laughed bitterly and shook her head. "No, you can't get rid of me that easily." She stated. "I just want you to focus on Yona at the moment. She needs someone to look after her." Y/N explained.
"I think Akio has already taken that role from me." Hak scoffed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. He's taken a liking towards her in such a short time." Y/N shook her head a bit.
"Are you jealous?" Hak questioned as he observed her.
"I am." She admitted, much to Hak's surprise. "I'm jealous of how easy she gets people to like her. I'm jealous that everyone will always be there for her. Though, over all that jealousy, I can't find myself to hate her. I know that everyone will eventually leave me behind to be by her side, but I want them to, and it's not because she's my master. It's because she deserves it." Y/N stated.
Hak observed Y/N, noticing how there was no hatred in her eyes or malice. Just pure terror and sorrow in her silver orbs.
Hak sighed, before glancing at the opening of the cave. "Oh look, the rain has stopped." When glancing back at Y/N he looked surprised to see the female had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
He brought his face closer towards hers, his ocean blue orbs flickering from her lips to her eyes to see if she was actually asleep.
Sighing, he kissed her forehead, before pulling back and looking at her fondly. "You deserve it, too." He whispered.

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