Legend 25: Y/N's Plan

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-Gi-gang's Ship-Awa-Same Night-
"Keum-ji's gradually increasin' his manpower, probably cuz' he's about to conduct his most important business with the Khai empire." Gi-gang stated, pointing at the Khai empire on the map that was layed out infront of everyone.
"Khai empire?" Yona questioned.
"Of course, it's most likely just guys around Awa, clients of Keum-ji." Gi-gang answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What is his most important business?" Yona asked.
"Human trafficking." Y/N tensed up at the answer that was given.
"Human trafficking?" Yona looked scared out of her wits with the answer, much like Y/N.
It had become eerily quiet.
"Mostly women and children." Jaeha was the one to break the silence.
"But even slavery is banned in this kingdom!" Yoon exclaimed.
"Well it looks like that won't be his only act against the law." Y/N stated through clenched teeth.
"That's not their only goal. With the manpower he gathered, he's gonna make sure he'll crush us pirates to end this long battle." Gi-gang spoke.
"Let's strike first!" one of the older crew members shouted.
"Don't get ahead of ourselves. If we start a fight at the port, the residents will be in harm's way." Gi-gang explained, before smacking the end of her smoking pipe on a part of the map "So we're gonna attack Keum-ji's ship on the waters between Khai empire and Awa, where I bet the deal will go down.
"The question is exactly when it goes down and which ship the girls are on." Jaeha declared, looking the most serious since Y/N had met him.
"Right. Most likely Keum-ji will use the girls as hostages, so we can't start attackin' blindly. I wonder if we can somehow secure the girls' safety." Gi-gang sighed.
Y/N scowled, her eyebrows furrowed and the bottom of her lip was puckered out.
"I don't like that look that you are giving." Akio whispered harshly.
"What look?" Y/N's tone was innocent, though her fierce expression defiantly proved she was a Dragon's descendant.
"But if it's important business, then chances of Keum-ji being there are high...right?" Asked one of the crew members. "Wouldn't it be faster if we find the leader and tie him up?"
"Right!" Agreed one of the other young crew members. "Besides, this time we have real tought allies on our side!"
Gi-gang slammed her smoke pipe down, catching everyone's attention.
"Either way, we need a little more information. This is a great opportunity for us as well. We'll crush Yang Keum-ji and the officers who've spent over ten years opressin' the people of Awa and wreckin' this town and win back our freedom!" Gi-gang exclaimed, pulling out a dagger and slamming it down on the map. "This time, I'll also take up a sword. Follow me 'till the end, pipsqeaks!" The crew erupted into cheers.
Auntie Gi-gang doesn't want to fight, I know this much, she's always been peaceful and would try to avoid conflict. Though she cares too much about those around her...If she's not careful, that'll be her downfall.

-Hidden Cliff beside Gi-gang's Ship-Next Morning-
Y/N smiled as she watched how well the team and the crew were getting along.
I don't know why, but I feel like something is accomplished. She thought.
"My, my, Rini-chan, I don't think I've ever seen you look so calm and happy before~" A calm voice cooed right next to Y/N's ear.
The (H/C) squeaked and jumped at least three feet in the air, before glaring at him. "Don't do that!" She stated, a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Aha, doesn't feel so good when someone else does it, hmm...?" Jaeha smirked.
"How old are you again?" Y/N scowled in irritation.
"Age shouldn't matter when it comes to love." Jaeha winked.
Y/N fake gagged, causing one of Jaeha's eyebrows to twitch.
"Oh, by the way, Auntie Gi-gang said I have to go into town with you. As soon as Yoon is done using my bag, I'll be ready to go." Y/N told the green haired male, before going to look if she could be helpful somewhere while Yoon used her bag, which carried most of the medicines and herbs.
"Auntie?" Jaeha questioned, following Y/N like a lost puppy. "I didn't know she had any relatives, let alone it being you."
"Oh, well we're not really related by blood." Y/N said, glancing at a few bags of food and looking for any tares.
"My uncle was a merchant, much like me and Akio, where he'd go on a lot of trips. One time he brought me and Akio along on one of his trips, and we met Gi-gang when visiting here. She often gave us gifts and what not when we or our uncle saw her in different merchant ports. She was like a mother to us, or more so to me. I look up to her." Y/N explained, blushing a bit when she realized she just ranted a part of her life's story to this man.
"She seems to have that type of personality, that's for sure." Jaeha hummed in agreement.
"Y/N-sama, here's your bag." One of the crew members suddenly appeared out of nowhere, holding out Y/N's satchel.
"I'm guessing Yoon is too busy yelling at you guys, huh?" Y/N asked, before smiling as she accepted the bag from the young blond. "Thank you." She said, causing the crew member to blush and run away quickly, while she put her satchel over her shoulder.
Meanwhile, Jaeha watched with an odd feeling stirring in his chest while he watched the scene.
"Alright, I'm ready to go!" Y/N told him.
Jaeha, surprised at first, nodded. The two then walked away from the covered areas, and the two just happened to notice Yona looking a bit lost and lonely.
Y/N sighed, before stepping away from Jaeha, her hands on her hips. "Oi, me and Kurōbā here are gonna go into town, wanna join us?" (Kurōbā: Clover) Y/N asked, ignoring the look of surprise on Jaeha's face from the girlish nickname given to him.
"Really? You sure you want me to come?" Yona asked, looking a bit unsure.
"She wouldn't have asked if we weren't sure, Kid." Jaeha grinned.
"Great! Let's get going." Y/N sighed. "Jaeha, you can carry Yona, I'll meet up with you both." With that, the (H/C) waved and walked away.

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