Legend 31: Party Time

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-Gi-Gang's Ship-Morning-
Y/N covered her mouth as she yawned while walking out of the Captain's cabin, where she had been put to sleep this whole time.
Hearing a bunch of happy voices and laughter, she gazed over the edge and smiled widely when she saw the women and girls being reunited with their families.
"Y/N!" Said female squealed as she was suddenly being picked up and swung around.
"Akio!" Y/N laughed, hugging her twin brother as soon as he put her back onto the ground.
"Here, let me take a look at you." Y/N then grabbed ahold of her brother's cheeks and examined him for any injuries, in which caused him to blush in slight embarrassment.
"Y/N, I'm fine." He whined softly, causing Y/N to sigh but smile, which surprised Akio. "Gee, I haven't seen that type of smile on you in a long time." The silver haired male said, running his fingers through a few strands of his sister's tangled hair.
"I haven't been this happy in a long time, Akio." Y/N simply answered.
"Y/N-chan!" Y/N yelped as she was suddenly pulled into a hug from behind.
Looking up, she smiled as she saw that the person was Kija.
"Hello Kija, wow, you look fine too. I guess you guys really had each other's backs, huh?" She teased, poking the blushing White Dragon's cheek.
"I wish we could say the same about you." Yoon sighed while walking over with the others.
"Huh?" Y/N looked confused.
"When saving Jaeha, your shoulder got hit and part of your wing was torn." Yona explained.
"Hah!? My wing!?" Y/N's eyes widened in worry as she turned her head to look at her wing, which had a bandage on it.
"Don't worry, I got it stitched. It should heal soon." Yoon sighed, causing Y/N to let out a loud breath of relief.
"But you two are hurt too." Y/N stated, instantly in front of the two and beginning to fret over them.
Just like a mother. The group thought.
Hearing the pirates shouting, Y/N turned and deadpanned when she saw Jaeha flirting with Yuri. No surprises here.
"Too bad we couldn't do anything." Yuri sighed.
"No, that's not true." Yona spoke up, as herself and Y/N rushed over to the group of girls and women. "You risked your life helping us." Y/N said as both girls took Yuri's hands.
"Rina...Y/N..." Yuri smiled softly.
"Yuri, my name is...really..." Y/N gazed at Yona, the same calm smile on her lips. She knew that Yona would say the right things. "I'm sure Awa will be fine, as long as people like you are here, Yuri." Yona smiled.
Yuri smiled and nodded. "Arigato."
Y/N was then brought over to Gi-gang, who was shouting. "The expenses for our service is expensive...let's say enough liquor to get us, you, and everyone in this town drunk!"
Oh dear... Y/N could already see the problems about to arise.
"What are you saying!? Everyone's badly injured! They need treatment!" Yoon shouted as everyone happily began to walk off.
"Come on Yoon." Y/N grinned, wrapping an arm over the boy's shoulders. "Don't be such a mother~" She teased, unaware of how the others saw her as just that.
"Come on kiddo, just go make us some snacks!" One of the pirates exclaimed.
"Oi! I'm not your wife!" Yoon scowled.
"It's ok, Yoon, it's a pirate's tradition to get drunk off their asses on victory days." Y/N chuckled.
"That's right!" The pirate laughed, before walking off.
"But it's still morning!" Yoon stated.
"This sounds promising." Hak smirked, Akio nodded in agreement.
"A banquet sounds nice. Back home everyone would dance the dragon dance for my birthday celebration. Where are the dancers?" Kija innocently questioned.
"I can't wait to hear the music and see the play." Yona drowsily smiled.
"I'm...hungry..." Shin-ah said, while Ao nibbled on the man's glove.
Meanwhile, Yoon was shouting at everyone.

____Quick Time Skip____
Y/N sighed as she pushed her third cup of alcohol away.
Unlike her twin, she could actually hold her liquor. Therefore, she was able to notice the disappearance of the red haired princess.
Where could she have run off to? Though I doubt anything could happen to her now that damned pig is gone. Either way, I should probably check on her. Y/N thought.
Adjusting the wrap around her ankle, which was only one of her major injuries, she began to walk around town in search for Yona.
The (H/C) then paused as a familiar general ran past her, two guards following close behind, in a certain direction.
"Lord Su-Won!" Shouted the general.
No... Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly followed.
Hiding behind one of the walls, Y/N watched General Judo talk with Su-won.
"'Exciting'? And you got a girl." Y/N deadpanned as she noticed the obviousness of Yona's pink dress skirt under Su-Won's white cloak.
Y/N then noticed how the topic was changed to the pirates.
"Let's overlook them in this case." Su-won calmly smiled.
"Who'll replace Yang Keum-ji?" Judo asked.
"We'll decide that after we return to the capital." Su-won answered. "Are we good now, General Judo?" The blond asked.
"Whatever!" Judo shouted, before beginning to walk away.
"You're so short-tempered." Su-won sighed.
Y/N pressed her back firmly against the wall as the three men walked past her, before she went back to watching Su-Won.
"Do you want to kill me?" Su-won quietly asked, though Y/N could hear him perfectly. "Of course you do. But I can't die right now. Not yet. I still have something I must do."
Y/N stiffened as Su-Won took his cloak off of Yona, looking down at her with an unreadable expression.
"Goodbye, Yona." Su-Won whispered, before walking in the direction that Judo had gone, as well as where Y/N was hiding.
"You know, I don't take well to liars." Su-Won stated, having turned the corner, though stopped right in front of Y/N's hiding place.
"You can't blame others when you've committed the same sin." Y/N coldly replied.
A few seconds of silence between the two were cut off by Yona's wailing cries.
Seeing the pain in Su-Won's teal orbs, Y/N grabbed the man's cloak, her own silver ones narrowing at him.
"You caused it, you get to suffer with us as well." She hissed.
Su-Won then did the slightly unexpected. He slapped her.
"Do you not believe I am suffering too?" He glared at her, before pulling his cloak away from her, and then continuing to walk away.
Holding her hand to her pained cheek, Y/N stared at his retreating form.
Was that...payback?! She scowled, remembering how she had slapped him last time they met.

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