Legend 22: Powerless

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"What?! How dare he lie to the princess and Y/N and go to such an immoral place!" Kija shouted.
"I've lost my respect for him." Yoon agreed with the White Dragon.
"Now hold on. You guys need to listen to-" Hak began to speak in his aggravation.
"Kija, Yoon, don't say such things!" Y/N scolded the two males, causing Hak to smirk. "Even Hak has times when he wants to play with girls."
Hak growled lowly, before noticing two officers up ahead. Narrowing his eyes, Hak pushed the others into a narrow alleyway.
"We draw too much attention." Yoon sighed as soon as the officers were gone.
"By the way, is the Green Dragon in town?" Hak questioned as the group began to walk once again.
"Actually, his presence disappeared." Akio sighed.
The group turned to see a girl. Y/N sighed loudly while Hak walked up to her.
"You're that girl from yesterday." He commented.
"Yes. Thank you for yesterday." Tetsuna smiled.
"It's dangerous for you to walk around here where the officers are." Y/N advised.
"I can't help it. I work around here, so..." Tetsuna drifted off.
Y/N and Hak sighed as they felt the others staring at them.
"Let's go talk somewhere more private." Hak said.

-Port Awa-Next Day-
"What?! You punched and kicked an officer?!" Yoon steamed.
"Basically. Though there was another passerby as well who kicked him." Y/N said in a nonchalant tone.
"Uh-huh. What a courageous passer-by." Yoon said in a tone that made Y/N feel like he didn't believe them.
"I was being extra careful." Hak defended.
"Uh-huh. Do the officers here do things that stupid in broad daylight?" Yoon questioned, looking at Tetsuna.
From what I had witnessed, yes. No one dared to even stand up to those bastards. Y/N thought angrily.
Tetsuna frowned and nodded. "Yes. They make a racket in stores, take girls that they want. All that we can do is try our best to not provoke them."
"Why?" Yona innocently asked.
"Yang Keum-ji, I'm guessing." Y/N sighed.
"Keum-ji?" Yoon questioned, tilting his head in confusion.
"I heard he's the lord of Awa. That everyone in this town is afraid of him." Hak said.
Y/N frowned as she stroked Ao's tiny head, while the tiny squirrel happily ate the food that Tetsuna  had given to Y/N and the group.
"Y-Yes. Keum-ji has all the officers working for him. To do business, we are forced to pay unreasobaly high taxes to Keum-ji. There are also disturbing rumors in this town, but we can't do anything about it." The brown haired female explained.
"No wonder the people here lack spirit." Yona frowned.
"Really? I thought it was a very lively town." Kija said.
"It looks lively, but it looked like they were faking their smiles." Y/N sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What about the pirates?" Yoon suddenly asked.
"Pirates?" Hak looked surprised.
"There was a boat anchored at the coast nearby. It'll be crime-filled if things like that are here." Yoon declared.
"No, they've never harmed the people here." Tetsuna smiled.
"Oh really?" Yoon looked surprised.
"True, they commandeer ships, but they commandeer Yang Keum-ji's ships."

Y/N sighed at the memory of what happened yesterday, though was interrupted by her thoughts when Akio leaned half of his body weight onto his twin.
"O-Oi!" Y/N growled.
"You seem out of it, N/N, what's the problem?" Akio questioned.
Y/N sighed softly, knowing that Akio was one of the only people who could read her so easily.
"I don't really know. I just feel like something terrible is about to occur."
Akio raised an eyebrow, before smiling softly and kissing the top of his sister's head.
"No need to worry, little sister, I'll be with you no matter what happens." He stated, causing Y/N to smile slightly.
"We left Shin-ah waiting alone again, so we have to find the Green Dragon fast." Yona commented.
"Well, he did seem awfully pitiful." Yoon grumbled, causing Y/N to nod in agreement.
"Akio, where's the Green Dragon?" Yona questioned.
"I think he's in this town, but he's very fast and won't hold still." Akio frowned.
You've got that right. Y/N frowned, remembering how high and far Jaeha could jump.
"Out of my way!" The group stopped as a vase was thrown through a window.
"Please, stop!" A woman's voice shouted.
"Shut up!" growled a man's voice.
Peering in through the broken window, Y/N just caught sight of an officer punching a man.
"W-what's going on?" Yona questioned.
"Looks like the officers are making a racket." Akio commented.
Y/N noticed a familiar fire that burned in Yona's eyes, and quickly grabbed onto Yona's shoulder as the young princess began to walk towards the building.
"No, Yona-hime." Y/N stated.
"But..." Yona pouted.
"We can take care of it." Kija stated.
"You draw too much attention. Stand back, I'll-"
"You too, Thunder Beast!" Yoon shouted at Hak.
The group then hid behind a nearby wall.
"Do you circus freaks understand your circumstances?" Yoon scolded.
"I heard rumors that Keum-ji's ship was sunk by the pirates yesterday." Yoon then told the group.
  "So the officers are irritated." Y/N sighed, running her fingers through her  (H/L) hair.
"I know how you all feel, but we need to stay quiet for now." Yoon told them.
Y/N sighed, though she knew that Yoon was right.
Placing a hand on Yona's shoulder, Y/N sent a small smile to the princess.
"See, they're gone now." Yoon said as the officers walked by.
"Let's go." Akio said, and the others nodded in agreement.
I can't believe we just did that. I just became a hypocrite. Y/N silently sulked at the thought of just acting like nothing had happened.
"Hey." Hak said, causing the others to pay attention to the male.
"I'm going to go this way with Y/N. Take care of Princess." Hak demanded, before rushing off with a confused Y/N in tow.
"Huh? Wait, Thunder Beast!" Yoon shouted.
The young boy then sighed. "I wonder what had gotten into him."
As the group began to walk away, they paused with what they saw.
Two Wanted posters dedicated to the two who had just left.

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