Legend 18: The Week With the Enemy

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"Y/N-chan! Good morning!" Su-Won beamed as soon as Y/N slid open the door to her room.
Y/N blankly looked at Su-Won and raised an eyebrow. "How long have you been waiting for me to get up, Su-Won?" She questioned.
"Eheh..." Su-Won sheepishly laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Y/N scoffed softly and rolled her silver orbs, closing the door behind her as she now stood in front of Su-Won.
"Why were you waiting for me anyways? Don't you have other things that you should be doing, young highness?" Y/N harshly questioned.
Su-Won, seeming unaffected by the harsh words, continued to smile.
"I wanted you to give me a tour, Y/N-chan. After all, you've been here more than me so you must know of cool places to go to, right?" He asked happily.
"Hm...I guess." Y/N nodded, before sighing. "Fine, let's go get something to eat first." As if on cue, Su-Won's stomach growled, causing him to slightly blush and Y/N to grin at him teasingly.
"Y-Yes! Let's go!" He nodded, beginning to walk away.
"Uhm, Su-Won..."
"The kitchen is that way."
"I-I knew that!"

-5 hours later-Markets-
"I thought that you were leaving, L/N-san." One of the shopkeepers said as Y/N walked by.
The (H/C) paused and glanced at the shopkeeper with a blank expression.
"I was, but then I was talked into staying." She said with a sigh.
"By Yuno-sama?" The shopkeeper tilted his head with a joking grin, knowing how Y/N could be easily persuaded by the general's wife.
"Actually..." Y/N drifted off, changing her gaze to the side.
"Y/N-chan!" Su-Won suddenly rushed over, holding a bunch of rolls of cloth.
"Oh, there you are Su-Won." Y/N blinked as she turned towards the blond.
"Y-Your highness!?" The shopkeeper shouted in surprise.
"Ah, please be quiet, Daisuke-san. Su-Won is trying to be undercover." Y/N said, still wearing a blank expression as she covered her lips with her index finger, before turning towards Su-Won with a scowl.
"I thought I told you to keep your hood on." She stated.
"Aha, but Y/N-chan, it's really stuffy wearing a hood all the time, especially since it's so hot." Su-Won said, slightly whining.
Well we've done it more than once when hiding from those soldiers, but we don't complain. Well, most of us don't complain. Y/N bitterly thought, before sighing.
"I swear, it's almost like you want people to give you attention." She grumbled, walking over to him and pulling his hood back onto his head in a way that barely anyone would notice him, oblivious to the closeness of their faces as she looked into his teal blue eyes, causing him to blush.
"There. Now, where did you get all of this cloth?" Y/N asked, taking a step back from the male, much to his relief.
"Oh, the very nice clothes maker over there." Su-Won said, pointing to one of the last shops that the duo had walked into on the small 'tour' Y/N was giving to Su-Won.
It was more of a game of hide-and-seek, though, rather than a tour, because either Y/N or Su-Won would end up loosing the other and then have to go in search for eachother.
"I see, and what are you going to do with this cloth?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well maybe we can make outfits for the pretend battle!" Su-Won beamed.
"That's a lot of effort though, and do you even know how to make outfits?" Y/N asked, keeping her straight expression.
"Well...No, but I was hoping you could teach me!" The blonde beamed.
Y/N scowled, before sighing. "Fine, I guess, but you will have to pay me for my services."
"Huh!? But I'm the king, shouldn't you be doing it just from the kindness of your heart!?" Su-Won whined.
"Exactly, because you're the king you should be able to pay for my services. Also, what heart?"
"You're so cruel Y/N-chan!"

"Su-Won, do you even know where you're going?" Y/N sighed as she allowed the blond to pull her in a random direction.
"Of course! I was shown the first day by one of the very nice civilians." Su-Won said as the two dodged a few passerbies.
Y/N then glanced at the place that the two had stopped and she blinked.
"Su-Won, why're we here?" Y/N asked as she stared at the mines, which, according to Geun-tae was worthless since after trying to find iron ore, they only found rocks with unvaluable gems.
"I want to get some things." Su-Won answered as the two walked into the entrance of the mine.
"But there's nothing to get here, Su-Won." Y/N said, only to have her words fall on deaf ears as Su-Won continued to walk.

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