Special Ch.1: Valentines

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(A/N: First off, I know it's long since been Valentines, but I had this idea for it and so I'm going to finally make time to write it. Second off, special chapters will not change anything in the story, so it's kind of like a cute, long one shot. Third off, I do not own any of the stories that are used for this chapter.)

Special Ch.1: Valentines

Beauty and the Beast
Su-Won http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/beauty-and-the-beast/

Once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant and his three daughters.
One day, the father was to go to a far-off place and he asked his daughters what they wanted on his return.
The first and the second daughter asked for lovely dresses. But the third daughter, whose name was Y/N, said, "Father, I only need a rose plucked by your hand."
The merchant, on his way back, had to cross through the deep forest. It was dark and the merchant tried to find a place to sleep. He suddenly found a huge castle and went inside to find nobody.
There was a huge table with delicious food and he ate it all. Then the merchant went into the bedroom and slept on a soft and fluffy bed. The next day, too, the merchant did not find anyone in the castle. He saw a beautiful rose bush growing in the lawn and remembered Y/N's gift.
He plucked a red rose from the bush.
Suddenly, a ferocious looking beast sprang out of the bush. He was wearing fine silk clothes and roared, "I gave you food and a bed to sleep in! And now, you are stealing my roses!"
The merchant was frightened and told the Beast about Y/N's gift. The Beast decided to let him go only if he promised to send Y/N to this castle. The merchant agreed and ran back home.
He cried and told his daughters about the Beast. But Y/N loved her father a lot and agreed to go stay with the Beast.
The Beast treated Y/N with a lot of kindness. He was never rude to her. He let her stay in the biggest room and let her roam in the beautiful garden.
Y/N would sit near the fireplace and sew while the Beast kept her company. At first, Y/N was afraid of the Beast but slowly, she began to like him.
One day, the Beast asked Y/N to marry him, but she refused. She was still afraid of his fearful-looking face.
The Beast still treated her kindly and with a lot of love.
Y/N missed her father a lot. The Beast gave her a magic mirror and said, "Look at the mirror and you can see your family. Now you won't feel lonely anymore."
One day, Y/N looked in the mirror and saw that father was very ill and dying. She went to the Beast and pleaded and cried, "Please let me go home! I only want to see my father before he dies!" But the Beast roared, "No! You promised you would never leave this castle!" Saying this, he stormed out of the room.
But after some time, he came to Y/N and said, "You may go to stay with your father for seven days. But you must promise to return after that." Y/N was very happy and agreed.
Then she left and went to stay with her father. Her father, on seeing Y/N, felt very happy and soon recovered.
Y/N stayed with her family for seven days and more.
She forgot the Beast and his castle. But one night, she had a terrible nightmare in which she saw the Beast was very ill and about to die.
He was crying, "Y/N, please come back!"
Y/N woke up and went back to the castle because she did not mean to hurt the Beast.
She cried and said, "Please don't die, Su-Won! I will live with you forever!" The Beast miraculously changed into a handsome prince.
He said, "I was under a curse all these years and could only be relieved when someone fell in love with me. I am now cured of the curse because you truly love me."

And then, Beauty and the Beast were married and together they lived happily ever after.

Little Y/N
Yoon http://shortstoriesshort.com/story/little-mermaid/

Long long ago, in the Deep Sea kingdom, there lived the sea king with his five mermaid daughters. Y/N was the youngest and the loveliest among them.
She had a beautiful voice and everybody from far and wide came to hear her sing and praised her voice and her beauty.
One day, while Y/N was swimming on the surface of the water and watching ships go by, she saw a young man falling off his ship. She swam swiftly to save him from drowning and dragged him to the shore.
Soon, people found the man on the shore and Y/N swam away.
This man was actually the prince of a kingdom.
When he became conscious, the prince looked around for the girl who had saved him but no one knew who she was.
Y/N often thought of the young man and fell in love with the prince, but she was sad because she could never be like all the other ladies he knew. They had two feet and she had a fish tail!
In the Deep Sea lived a witch with magical powers. One day, Y/N went to beg her for human legs.
The witch said, "I need your beautiful voice! Only then I shall give you legs! But you must remember, every time you set your feet on the ground, it will hurt very badly!" Y/N agreed.
She did not mind the pain. All she wanted was to be with the prince.
As soon as she got her two feet Y/N became dumb.
When she was leaving, the witch said, "If your prince marries anybody else, you shall dissolve in the sea water. You can never become a mermaid again!"
With the witch's magic spell, Y/N found herself lying on the beach and the prince looking down at her.
He asked, "Where are you from?" But she could not reply.
The prince took her to his palace and looked after her. They became good friends and had a wonderful time together. Every step Y/N took hurt, but she bore it all silently. She loved the prince but the prince was in love with the beautiful maiden who had saved him.
The prince did not realise it had been Y/N and she couldn't tell him.
Obeying the wishes of his father, the prince went to meet the daughter of a neighbouring king. Enchanted by her beauty the prince was convinced this was the same maiden who rescued him. He asked the princess to marry him. A grand wedding took place.
Y/N was heartbroken.
That night, crying, she ran to the seashore. There she saw four mermaids. Why, they were her sisters! One of them handed her a knife and said, "Here, Y/N! This is a magic knife! We gave our long hair locks to the witch of the Deep Sea and she gave this to us in return. Kill your prince and you shall turn into a mermaid again! Then you can come and live with us!"
Y/N took the magic knife and went to the prince's room at night.
But she loved him so much that she could not kill him. She knew that at dawn, she would vanish into the sea, just as the witch of the Deep Sea had told her earlier.
She sat on the shore and wept silently.
Suddenly, from the sky came a pink cloud. It lifted her from the land into the sky. "Where am I?" asked Y/N, for now she could talk.
The beautiful fairies replied, "We are the air fairies. You are now one of us because you did a good deed for the person you love. Come with us."
From then on, the little mermaid, Y/N, lived in the sky with the fairies

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