Legend 14: Help!

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  "I am glad you are both fine."Kija sighed in relief.
"Yes, this person and Y/N helped..." Yona began, before pausing when she saw the shocked expression on both Akio and Kija's faces.
The two females turned to see that the masked male who had helped began to run away.
"You...W-wait!" Akio shouted.
"What's wrong?" Yoon asked, looking as confused as Yona and Hak.
"It is him. He is the Blue Dragon." Kija declared with a serious expression. 

"And where do you think that you're going?" Y/N yelped as she was suddenly pulled back by her cloak, just as she was about to run after the Blue Dragon.
"I'm going after the Blue Dragon before we loose him!" Y/N exclaimed, trying to get out of Hak's deadly grip on her cloak, before stopping as she soon noticed how much weaker she was than the male. Damn.
"You're not going back in there, are you?" Akio questioned with a concerned look on his face.
"Well how else am I supposed to get to him?" Y/N huffed.
"You can't go back in there, Y/N." Yoon insisted.
"I can and I will, as soon as Kimoi-kun let's me go!" Y/N stated, once again struggling to get out of Hak's grip.
"Y/N." The seriousness in Hak's tone caused the female to freeze and look up at him.
"Please come back safely this time. If not, I'll stay annoyingly close by your side forever." He stated, surprising the other males, as well as Yona and Y/N.
"Hak..." Y/N drifted off, before grinning. "I don't want to be annoyed, so I'll be careful!" She stated, putting up two thumbs as if to assure the male.
"Yeah, please do." Hak stated as irkmarks appeared on his forehead.
"Poor guy." Akio chuckled under his breath.
"I'll be back as soon as I can! If I'm not back in twenty minutes come and find me, I might be lost." She said as soon as Hak let go of her, and she began to run down the tunnel that the Blue Dragon had run down.
I knew that he was the Blue Dragon the moment I saw him, but he didn't seem like he knew much about anything like Kija, Akio, and I. He must be scared out of his wits! She thought with a scowl.
Y/N closed her eyes, the blue light once again taking over her vision as she allowed it to lead her through the maze like tunnels.
Opening her eyes when the light got bright enough, Y/N smiled when she saw the form of the Blue Dragon, before a look of concern crossed her features as she saw him leaning against the wall for support, and she instantly rushed to the male's side.
"It's OK, Blue Dragon, I got you." Y/N said as she helped support the taller male into a standing position, flinching slightly as she could feel the heat that radiated off of him.
He knows something is wrong. She thought, looking at the frown on his face. Though he doesn't know what is wrong.
"Why are you helping me?" Y/N tensed up at the male's words, before she looked up at him with a smile.
"Because that's what friends do." She said.
Y/N looked at him with the same smile. "Hai." She nodded.

-18 minutes later-With the Others-
"You were almost taken underground by a villager?!" Yoon asked in surprise.
"Yes." Yona nodded.
"How dare they! Not only do they not respect the princess, but try to trap her underground?! They are asking to incur my wrath!" Kija growled, holding up his Dragon clawed hand.
"Settle down. Geez, rich boys and their tempers, are you going to kill civilins? Grow up." Hak stated, a dark aura surronding him as he held up his spear-like weapon.
"You too, ex-general." Akio said, slightly afraid of what the two anger driven monsters would be capable of.
"Anyways, that guy being the Blue Dragon...are you sure?" Yoon questioned, looking at both Kija and Akio.
"Yes." The two nodded in sync.
"Then why did he run away?" Yoon asked confused.
Akio sighed and looked at the ground with a frustrated expression. "I don't know."
"The Blue Dragon, the villagers...what is going on here?" Kija scowled.
"This is the same 'Dragon's village', but it is the opposite of the White Dragon's." Yoon stated.
"What?" The others stared at the younger male.
"This place seems odd because we saw the White Dragon's village first, but if we think about it, mabe the White Dragon's village is special." Yoon said, tapping his chin as he thought aloud. "There aren't any crimson-hair-worshipers here, and they don't treat the Dragon god's power as superior. Instead, they seem to loathe it. We may just be intruders, not only to the villagers, but also the the Blue Dragon." Yoon explained.
Akio glanced over at Yona and noticed how she seemed a bit unsure about something.
"Nonsense! It is the Four Dragons' duty to quickly come forth to their master! Not once did I hesitate from the time I met the princess to when I left the village!" Kija exclaimed, catching Akio's attention.
"Well you're too sure of yourself." Akio said, slightly grinning.
"Of course I am!" Kija boasted, causing Akio's grin to slip away.
"That wasn't a compliment." He insisted.
"But he saved me." Yona spoke up. "I want to meet and talk to him."
"You mean you want to go back to that maze?" Yoon asked.
"Yes." Yona nodded. "Plus, it has almost been twenty minutes, and we need to find Y/N incase she's lost." She then added.
"You had a scary experience, but you're not flinching at all. You've got guts, Princess." Akio said, though rather than making it sound like a compliment, it was obvious he was worried.
"Let's go. There's something in that dead-end area, right?" Yoon asked as he and Kija began to walk to the entrance of the cave-like room.
"Princess, you stay here." Akio stated, grabbing the female's wrist and looking at her with a look that mixed cation and seriousness.
"Akio?" Yona looked surprised.
"I agree. Yoon, Akio, and I will find the Blue Dragon and bring him here." Hak said.
"Nonsense, if anyone should go, it should be me." Kija spoke up.
"Okay! Thanks, Mr. White Snake!" Hak grinned.
"What?!" Kija turned slightly pink in frustration.
"Anyways, you shouldn't go back in. Wait outside and-"Akio began, before being cut off.
"No! Kija, Yoon, Akio, and I will go. Hak, you wait here." Yona stated.
"Kija can tell where the Blue Dragon is, Akio needs to find Y/N, and Yoon knows the way. And I have to meet the Blue Dragon." Yona insisted. "I think that's my role. Please?" Yona then looked up at both Akio and Hak with a determined expression.
Hak sighed and pouted slightly. "And somebody needs to be outside on the lookout for villagers, and I'm the only one left, is that what you're saying?" He asked.
"I'm leaving it to you because I trust you. I'll be careful so it won't be like the last time." Yona told him, as he nodded and they began to walk out once again.
"Oi, White Snake."
"I'm not White Sn-" Kija paused as he turned to look at Hak and saw a serious expression on the male's face.
Kija scoffed and began to walk once again. "You don't have to ask me." He simply said, before leaving Hak in the room.

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