Legend 7: Aim and Shoot

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-A Path- A week later-
"Don't lower your guard, there could be Fire Tribe soldiers patroling around here." Hak said as the group walked deeper into a forest.
"I need to learn swordmanship." Yona said after a pause of silence within the group. "Hak, you said you'd teach me." Yona suddenly turned to the tall male.
"No, I didn't." Hak declined immediately.
"You can teach me while we travel." Yona stated. "I need to be able to repel attackers."
"Princess, could you kill somebody?" Y/N spoke up, wearing her usual neutral expression.
Yona looked surprised by the question.
"You can repel attackers, but that won't just scare them away. You must kill them or permanently leave damage." Y/N continued. "Can you do that?" Y/N questioned with a harsh glare in the other female's direction.
Yona frowned and glanced at the ground. "When me and Hak were on the mountains, I had a sword, but I couldn't use it. Even if I can't kill or stand toe-to-toe with someone, I want to at least be able to create opportunities for escape." Yona stated.
"Self-defense swordmanship..." Hak thought aloud.
"Will you teach me?" Yona asked as she looked up at Hak.
Everyone looked at Hak, awaiting for his answer.
"Very well then, take these." Hak said, taking a bag off of his shoulder and holding it out to Yona.
"A bow?" Yona tilted her head.

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N sighed as she leaned against a tree, watching Yona attempt to shoot an arrow at a bird, only to have it miss terribly.
"Hak, I can't hit it." Yona pouted.
Hak raised an eyebrow, and took the bow from Yona, only to hit the bird dead on.
"How did you do that?" Yona asked in awe.
"I aimed." Hak bluntly answered.
"I don't get it." Yona blinked, causing Akio to slightly laugh and Y/N to roll her eyes while grinning.
"You're a bad teacher, Hak." Yona stated, beginning to walk away from the tall male.
"Hold it." Hak stated.

-Night-A week later-
Y/N groggily woke up by a continous thumping noise.
Glancing around, she noticed that Yona was missing.
Sighing, she stood up and followed the noise, startled to see the red haired female shooting arrows.
She's really serious about this, huh? Y/N cocked her head to the side, before sighing and walking towards the princess.
"Oh, Y/N-san, did I wake you?" Yona looked apologetic when she questioned the (H/C) once noticing her.
"Yep." Y/N nodded, then smiled a bit. "How about I help you out? I know that you're almost there, but I could give you some pointers."
Yona blinked. "You know how to shoot a bow?" She questioned.
Y/N shrugged. "I'm better with a sword, but Akio and I were taught how to use a bow as well." She told Yona, taking the bow from her hands and getting into a stance. "Your form has to be like this, you can't be tense, it'll just mess everything up." Y/N instructed, before letting the arrow go, to where it landed perfectly on the trunk of the tree. "Your turn." She then held the bow back to the red head.
"Oh, OK." Yona took the bow from the other female's hand, before doing as told, and hitting a little bit lower than Y/N's arrow.
"See? Nothing to it." Y/N beamed proudly.

-Next Day-
"What did you tell Yona-hime this morning?" Y/N whispered as she walked beside Yoon, allowing it so that Akio was walking beside Yona as Hak led the group.
"Hah? What do you mean?" Yoon questioned, looking startled.
"She's been lost in thought since breakfast." Y/N stated with a blunt expression.
Yoon sighed. "I told her the obvious. We're not shown mercy or pity on a battlefield, we've only got our strengths to keep us safe."
Y/N frowned, though couldn't help but to agree with her best friend.
The group paused as Hak had suddenly turned, causing Y/N to also look behind her. She raised an eyebrow when she saw Yona with her arrow pointing towards a baby wild boar.
Y/N eyed the redhead closely as she watched the arrow merely scratch the boar, before it ran off, and Yona went down and picked up the arrow.
"You almost had it, Princess!" Akio exclaimed excitedly.
"I just injured it." Yona sighed. "It's just cruel."
"That's because you hesitated." Hak stated, surprising Yona. Sighing, the dark haired male turned to the other three. "Why don't you guys go ahead of us?"
Akio and Y/N hesitated, before nodding in agreement.
"Sure, just catch up soon, we're near the place that Ik-Su told us about." Yoon stated as the trio began to walk away.
"Ok, we'll be right there." Hak shouted after them.

___Quick Time Skip___
"It's a bit hard to see." Akio commented as the three of them walked in a large amount of fog.
"Mmm...Something doesn't feel right." Y/N agreed.
Suddenly a wind began to harshly flow around them. "Leave! Leave!" A group of voices shouted.
"Leave this land immediately." A deep voice growled.
"Oh please, if you're trying to be scary, at least show yourselves!" Y/N growled, before noticing Akio and Yoon holding onto each other as they shook in fear, causing her to face palm.
"You leave us no choice then!" And suddenly everything went black.

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