Legend 30: Dawn

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-Keum-Ji's Ship-
Y/N cried out in pain as she was pulled back by her (H/L) (H/C) hair by one of the guards.
Please...Shin-ah, tell me you saw that! She desperately thought.
The guards then threw her onto the ground, right next to Yona, and one of them put his boot on her head.
"You rat! Are you both pirates too?!" He growled. "You and that kid slipped in with the merchandise together, didn't you!?"
Y/N bit her lower lip to keep any pained noises to escape.
"Wait, then that firework must've been used to let their buddies know this ship's location!" One of the other guards shouted.
So they are smart. Y/N scoffed in her mind.
"Is that what that was!?" A sword was suddenly pressed against Y/N's neck.
"Hurry up and kill her before they come!" Some of the guards shouted.
"Stop! Take my arm, my head, anything! Just not her, not Y/N!" Yoon shouted.
"Let her go, please!" Yona begged.
"Don't worry, Yoon, Yona." Y/N smiled bitterly at the two friends she had managed to make as they were being held by a few other guards. She then looked up at the star filled sky and closed her eyes. "After all, to die will be an awfully big adventure."
Feeling the point of blade near the nape of her neck, the female winced as she felt the guy holding her down kicked off of her.
Opening her silver eyes, Y/N let out a loud sigh of relief when noticing the familiar green haired man.
"You truly aren't human." Jaeha said, and even though he wasn't looking at her, Y/N knew he was talking to her specifically. "It's pretty cool that you really pulled it off." He then grinned down at her.
"Jaeha! Man, you don't know how happy I am to see you!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Y-you're the one that has been sinking all those ships..." One of the guards spoke in fear as he stared at Jaeha. "The 'soaring pirate'."
"We'll talk about that later. Don't let the kid get too close to me." Jaeha warned Y/N, a dark look in his indigo orbs.
"What?" Y/N blinked as she stared up at Jaeha, still lying on the ground in a fatal position.
"I'm no saint. I can't control myself against anyone who has hurt them." Jaeha smirked darkly, before kicking the guards who had tried attacking him from behind onto the ground.
Y/N instantly moved out of the way, leaning against the mast while watching Jaeha with wide eyes.
He really does have the dragon's power, huh? That foot is stronger than I thought it was. She thought.
"Yoon? Yoon!" Hearing the cries of Yona, Y/N shook her thoughts away and turned to see the red haired princess crying over an unconscious Yoon.
"Yoon!" Y/N cried out, instantly by both of their sides as she began to check over the male's injuries, Yona covering her mouth while she cried and allowed Y/N to inspect him. "Come on pretty boy, if you die I'll kill you." Y/N whispered, tears filling her eyes as she pressed her ear against Yoon's chest.
"Yona....Y/N..." Yoon weakly grunted while trying to sit up, only to be wacked on the head by Y/N.
"B-baka, you were beaten up pretty bad, please be careful!" She cried, surprising both Yona and Yoon.
"Yoon! Y/N!" Yona suddenly pulled the two into a tight hug. "I'm so glad...you're alive..." She spoke through her tears.
"Yona, I'm glad that you're safe." Y/N clutched onto the two as well.
The three teens were then a blubbering mess, while Ao watched in his own depressed mood.
"The plan worked thanks to you guys! You really are a genius, Yoon. And Yona, you're really brave." Y/N smiled as she pulled away and smiled sadly at them.
"We did it." Yoon smiled.
Hearing a loud clang, the trio then saw more guards climbing onto the ship.
Mercenaries... Y/N growled lowly and stood up, a slight limp in her left leg from being pushed onto the ground so harshly.
Seeing that Jaeha was having difficulties, she instantly picked up a sword one of the guards had dropped. "Yoon, protect Yona." She stated in a dark tone, before rushing to Jaeha's side.
"Need some help?" Y/N grinned as she knocked out three of the mercenaries who had surrounded Jaeha.
Jaeha grinned a bit at Y/N, before his eyes widened as he stared behind her. "Kid!" He shouted.
Turning around just in time, Y/N watched as Shin-ah knocked out three other mercenaries who had tried attacking Yoon and Yona.
"Shin-ah!" Y/N and Yona cried out in relief.
Y/N then watched in amazement at how well the masked man was using his sword.
"So you finally joined us, Shin-ah." Yona smiled.
"I thought it'd be the Thunder Beast." Yoon said.
"Hak is a great asset to our force, so only Shin-ah who can see in the darkness and I, who can jump, came over." Jaeha explained while the three tried to keep their attackers away from Yoon and Yona.

____Quick Time Skip____
Y/N, Shin-ah, and Jaeha were all on the Mercenaries ship, backs against each other while they fought off the mercenaries with their own special strengths.
"Shin-ah! Y/N! Jaeha! It's that ship!" The trio looked at where Yoon was, pointing at the ship they were currently on. "Keum-ji's somewhere on that ship!"
Y/N and Jaeha smirked. "I'm on it." They spoke in sync.
It's funny, really, seeing so many 'tough' guys being bound up by the women that they were holding hostage. Y/N thought as she began to run towards the door that led to the lower decks of the ship, glancing back at the 'merchandise ship' where the women were tying up the guards who had been knocked out.
"Jaeha! Y/N-sama!" One of the familiar pirate crew members happily exclaimed, hiding under a ladder.
"Eh?" Y/N blinked.
"And here I thought we got here first." Jaeha sighed, though was smiling in a teasing manner, causing the young pirate to laugh sheepishly.
"Keum-ji is in that hidden room." The young pirate pointed towards a wall that had a hole in it.
As if rehearsed, Y/N and Jaeha were suddenly fighting off Keum-ji's men as they came out of nowhere and attacked the two.
Eventually the three men were knocked out by Jaeha's kicks, and Y/N used the sword she'd taken to cut through the fabric made wall. Only to reveal an empty and dark room.
Where could he have...Shit! Yona! Y/N's eyes widened in realization.
The two then rushed back on deck.
"Shin-ah! Can you spot Keum-ji out on the waters?!" Y/N shouted, causing the Blue Dragon to instantly look out on the ocean.
"Over there." He pointed.
"I got this." Jaeha stated, before jumping up and in the direction that Keum-ji was.
Y/N watched with narrowed eyes, wishing to see as well as the Blue Dragon could.
"Finally..." She heard the disgusting pig's voice with her supersonic hearing. "I've been wanting to shoot at this 'soaring pirate'."
"No!" Y/N yelled, her cloak instantly discarded as she jumped onto the ledge of the boat.
Before Shin-ah could grab and stop her, Y/N was already flying at a unbelievable speed, grabbing Jaeha and crying out as the arrow that had been meant for him hit her shoulder, then grazed her right wing, causing the two to fall into the waters.
"Well, even a soaring dragon can't fly in these waters." Keum-ji smirked, pointing an arrow at Jaeha who was holding onto Y/N's unconscious form.

~Yona's POV~
"No!" Hearing Y/N's yell, I looked in her direction just in time to see her fly in a direction towards the ocean.
Running to the bow of the ship, my eyes widened as I watched her push Jaeha out of the way of an arrow that Yung Keum-ji shot at him.
Y/N...She's so brave... I thought, before remembering what she had told me moments before. 'You were so brave, Yona.'
Am I brave?
Looking back out at the ocean, I saw Yung Keum-ji pointing an arrow at Jaeha, who was holding Y/N in his arms.
Is she dead!? No, she couldn't be...But even so... My eyes narrowed as I stood on the edge of the ship, notching the arrow into the bow and aiming at Keum-ji. This man will pay!
(A/N: I was going to put 'Blood must have blood', but then I remembered I already put a fandom reference in this chapter, oops. Either way, if you know where that phrase comes from you are totally my friend, tbh.)

~3rd POV~
Keum-ji held up his hand, as if that'd stop the arrow being directed towards him, as his eyes widened in his sudden realization. She really is Yona-hime!
Suddenly Yona let go of the arrow, making it whiz through the air.
Everyone was frozen, watching as the arrow flew and eventually hit its target.
'But can you really kill someone? It's useless to learn how to use a weapon if you can't.' Y/N's words rang through Yona's mind as she watched Keum-ji fall backwards into the ocean.
As Y/N's silver orbs fluttered open, she was at first blinded by the light of dawn, before staring up at Jaeha's excited expression.
"Did I...miss anything?" She muttered.
Looking down at the female in relief, Jaeha began to laugh a bit. "Sure, you could say that." He smirked.
"Did we...win?" Y/N then glanced at the ship that Keum-ji was just on, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Yes, we won." Jaeha smiled.
Y/N's smiled and nuzzled her face into the male's chest, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Good...Can you swim us back to the ship then? I'm a bit tired." She stated.
"Come on Rini-chan, this is supposed to be a happy day, not a sleepy one." Jaeha grinned, before yawning. "Very well then, I'm sure that the Captain would like to get those girls back to Awa soon anyways." He sighed, before smiling at the passed out warrior.

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