Legend 8: In The White Dragon Clan

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-Unknown-Two hours later-
"Oi! Let me out! I might be a handsome, but keeping me in a cage is a bit extreme!" Yoon shouted.
"Give it a rest, Yoon." Y/N sighed, shaking her head and glaring at anyone who came near her or Akio.
The people in this clan have the blood of the White Dragon, I can feel how close he is, but, can he sense that we're here as well?
"And to your left is the White Dragons'-" Y/N's head quickly went to the direction of the voice, eyes narrowing at what she saw.
"Hey! Why are you taking a casual tour of the village!?" Yoon shouted.
"Hey Yoon, how're you doing?" Yona waved.
"I'm tied up, how do you think I'm doing!?" Yoon yelled.
"And look, the twins are here too." Hak added, pointing the end of his spear at Y/N and Akio, who were put inside a cage beside Yoon's.
"I apologize for how we've treated your companions." The elder male who had been giving Hak and Yona a tour said, bowing, before turning to the guy who had the other three in a cage. "Let them out."
"But..." The guy who had been guarding the cage began.
"Oi, can't you see that the girl has red hair, now let us out baka!" Y/N sent a deadly glare to the guy, who quickly got them out.
"What's going on?" Yoon questioned as he rubbed his wrists which had been released from the ropes that bounded his hands together.
"I'm not sure, they saw the princess' hair and suddenly changed their attitude." Hak explained, as Y/N hid a laugh while her hands were untied.

___Quick Time Skip____
"Such beautiful red hair!" one white haired woman fawned, as most of the others in the clan did, as they surronded Yona and Hak.
"Did you hear that Hak? They called me beautiful!" Yona said excitedly.
"Yeah, your hair." Hak smirked.
Y/N glanced around the area, before tugging on Akio's sleeve. "I'm gonna go scope the place out, I'll be back." she stated, before walking away once getting a nod of the head from her brother.
Y/N snuck away from the growing crowd, which wasn't all that hard, and walked around the village.
It's a lot like home, isn't it? Peaceful, calm- Y/N's thoughts were cut off by loud yelling from the tower that stood in the village.
"Quickly, quickly! The White Dragon is injured!" -and an elder that worries about every little thing.
Shaking off the thought, Y/N rushed towards the tower, easily sliding past a few of the guards posted on the outside, and she followed the loud voice of the elder to a room.
"Anyways, you turned twenty this year, didn't you?" The woman's voice sounded as Y/N leaned against the doorframe, grinning slightly as she saw the white haired male tense up at the question.
"Yes." he answered.
"By now you're old enough to have a few wives." the elder woman stated, smoking one of those old pipes (A/N: I don't know).
"Just one is fine." The white haired male said, seeming to deflate a bit.
"You don't even have one! Are there no girls in this village you like!?" The woman shouted, causing Y/N to stiffle a laugh behind her hand, feeling slight pity towards the male.
"The village is quite lively this morning." The male then said, obviously trying to change the subject.
"Yes, it seems some outsiders have arrived." The woman sighed, seeming not to really think of it as a big deal.
"What? They must eliminate them immediately." Y/N tensed up at the sentence.
"There will not be any eliminating today, your highness." The white haired male tensed up, sending a slight glare in the direction of the voice, only to end up looking at the beautiful (H/C) in awe. His heartbeat began to speed up.
"Oh, it's one of the outsiders! The rest are unusual as well-Wah!? How did you get in here?!" The elder woman pointed an accusing finger at Y/N.
"Apologies, your guarding system isn't all that hard to get past, after all I do it a lot at home." Y/N said, pushing herself off of the doorframe. "Yo, I'm L/N Y/N." She held her hand up in greeting as she kept her unemotional gaze on them.
"You..." The white haired male stared at Y/N in awe, before shaking his head and his glare returned. "I'm going!" he stated, throwing off his white robe and putting on the outfit that all of the villagers were wearing, and walking past Y/N after bumping his shoulder against hers.
"You're in for a surprise, White Dragon." Y/N murmered, quickly following behind him.
"Where are the intruders!?" The white haired male shouted as he stomped through the village, causing many to look at him oddly, especially since he had a (H/C) walk behind him in a nonchalant way even though he seemed surprisingly angry.
"You, woman!" The male then shouted, causing Yona to turn with her hood blowing off.
Y/N stood beside Akio as she watched with a bored expression as the White Dragon fell backwards, for she knew what was going on.
Akio immediately caught the White Dragon before he could land on the ground.
"W-what happened?" Yona questioned, looking more than startled.
"It's nothing big, Yona-hime, you'll see." Y/N stated as she stood beside the red haired female, who was looking worriedly at the white haired male.

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