Special Ch.2: Easter (Prt.1)

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Special Chapter 3: Easter (Prt.1)

Present Day!Children!Human!Yona of the Dawn x Easter Bunny!Reader
"You don't actually believe in those silly little made up characters, do you?" The dark haired boy laughed as he held a pink colored stuffed bunny up high.
"T-they're not made up, Hak!" The red haired 7-year-old exclaimed, pouting as she tried to take the toy from the young bully's grip.
"Oh? Do you have any proof?" Yona's friend, Su-Won, questioned curiously.
"N-no, I don't have proof." The female frowned.
"Then why would you believe in lies that parents tell children?" Kija, another one of Yona's friends, questioned in curiosity.
"I-it's because I believe in them, Kija." Yona stated.
"Aw, how cute, Kid. But you should know that those silly little fairytales are just ways to keep children from misbehaving." Jaeha chuckled, coming up to the four.
Yona puffed out her cheeks. "I'll show you! Easter night is tonight, and I'll stay up and take a picture of the Easter Bunny just to prove you all wrong!" She exclaimed.
"Oh yeah? Catch." Hak snickered as he tossed the stuffed rabbit, causing Yona to cry out and rush to catch it before it landed in a mud puddle.

It was late. 11:52, if you want to be exact.
No Easter Bunny.
Yona and her eight friends had stayed up to see if this supposed myth was true.
"This is a waste of my time, I could be sleeping right now." Hak tiredly grumbled, upset that he was forced to hide behind the oversized couch in the living room in Yona's home for a thing he knew didn't even exist.
"I'm going to the guest room." Hak declared, and slowly the other boys agreed.
Yona pouted, looking upset that the bunny didn't show up, as well that she was tired.
Everyone then paused as a black rabbit hole appeared in the middle of the living room.
The boys scrambled back behind the couch, the eleven 6-14 year olds peeking out to watch in amazement as a girl dressed in white dress with a blue tie and coat, as well as (H/C) bunny ears popped out of the hole.
"Hippity-hoppity, Easter's on it's way!" The female softly sang 'Here Comes Peter Cottontail' as she layed out different baskets of sweets on the small coffee table, before suddenly pausing.
Her back was to the couch that the children were hiding behind, though she could feel it in her cotton tail that someone was watching.
"Aha!" She suddenly turned and jumped onto the couch, before looking at the ten children in amusement as they all let out a shriek of surprise.
"Wah, I've never seen a child so close before while they're awake!" Giggled the bunny girl, grabbing onto the first child, who so happened to be Yona, and pinching her cheeks.
"Y-you're-" Su-Won stuttered, causing the (H/C) to stop and look at him.
"Oh, me? I'm the tenth generation Easter Bunny, you can call me Y/N Cottontail if you want though!" The female stated with a closed eyed smile.
C-cute. The kids thought with a slight blush.
"I know who you all are." The female then continued, sitting on the armrest of the couch.
"So you know who I am?" The red haired female questioned shyly.
"Yes, in fact, you're the reason that I'm here, Yona." Y/N grinned, before her eyes flickered towards the boys. "You eight as well.."
"Hah!? Why us?" Kija scowled.
"For picking on this sweet little girl!" Y/N exclaimed, suddenly picking Yona up and rubbing her cheek affectionally, causing the brothers to sweatdrop at the 18-year-old looking female.
"As well, Yona is one of those rare true believers, and because of her promise I'm going to make all of you true believers." The woman stated, letting go of Yona, as said female stumbled a bit with swirls in her sherbert colored eyes.
"How are you going to do that?" Hak scowled.
Y/N's cheerful grin only seemed to widen at this question. "I'm going to take you all to Easter Island." She stated. "So, buckle up." She winked.
Before any of the children could question what she meant, Y/N tapped her foot on the ground three times, causing a large rabbit hole to appear under the ten, and they all fell down it.
Yona laughed, as this felt almost like a fun slide, while the eight males screamed.
The nine then plummeted onto the ground in a heap.
"Ugh, where's that stupid rabbit?" Jaeha growled, glaring out from under the heap.
The children then glanced back at the rabbit hole as Y/N looked like she was surfing in it, before she jumped out and landed perfectly on her feet in front of the boys and girl.
"Haha, buckle up, I got that from Nicholas." The female chuckled as she ran her fingers through her messy (H/C) locks.
"Tch. What did you mean by make us true believers anyways?" Kija tiredly questioned, just wishing to get back into his comfortable bed.
"What I meant was that I'm going show you a few magical secrets, and in return, you must believe in all of us 'fictional characters'." Y/N explained.
"And if we don't believe even afterwards?" Zuno curiously questioned.
Y/N tapped her chin in thought. "You'll have your memory of this place erased, and officially be seen as an adult." She stated with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders.
"Fair...enough." Shin-ah nodded his head.
"Great!" Y/N beamed. "Follow me then, we've got lots to cover here." The female said.
"Where exactly is here?" Su-Won asked.
Y/N pouted. "Haven't you been listening, Su-Won? We're on Easter Island."

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