Legend 33: Insert the Golden Dragon!?

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-Campsite near river-1 Week later-
Y/N yawned as she layed out in the sun, ignoring the fighting of Jaeha, Akio, and Kija on who would locate the Golden Dragon.
Really, those bakas should look around their surroundings for once. She thought with a smirk as she closed her eyes, only to have a blinding golden light in her vision. Tch. I'm not going to get any sleep am I?
"That's admirable of you, Missy." Hearing a new voice, Y/N turned to lie on her stomach to see a rough looking boy sitting next to Yona. "But anything with life will return to heaven eventually. You're showing gratitude by putting your hands together. She'll forgive you." The blond happily stated.
Y/N didn't hear much of what the boy was saying though, she was too distracted by his growling stomach.
"Are you hungry right now?" Y/N asked, causing Yoon, Yona, and the blond to look at her.
"I'm crazy hungry!" The boy exclaimed.
Y/N chuckled as she stood up. "I guess I'm helping you cook today, Yoon, we've got a hungry visitor to feed." She said.

___Quick Time Skip___
"Looks good." Hak said as Y/N took one of the sticks with the deer meat, in which Jaeha had caught that morning, off of the fire.
"You can dive in today." Yoon told the blue clad man.
"This is nice. It's been a while since we ate meat." Hak smiled. "Anyway who's this?" Hak then pointed to the blond stranger who was happily eating the meat.
"Um, some kind of traveler? I don't know either." Yoon sighed.
"He seemed hungry, so I invited him to join." Y/N shrugged nonchalantly.
"By the way, Y/N, do you have any information about the Golden Dragon? Like where he lives or what his characteristics are?" Yoon asked the (H/C).
"According to the birth-myth of the kingdom, he has a 'strong, invulnerable body.'" Yona spoke up, while Y/N was in the middle of chewing on the meat.
"I wonder if his body's made of hard scales." Yoon smiled widely in thought.
"Or he's a giant muscle man?" Hak joked, only causing Y/N to punch his side.
"Hey guys, come over here and eat." Yoon called, turning to the four other dragon descendants.
"What do you think?" Kija asked.
"Hmm...yeah, most likely..." Jaeha sighed.
"Huh? What is?" Yoon asked in curiosity.
"Are you guys talking about the Golden Dragon?" Y/N questioned, mouth full, as she pointed to the stranger who was eating.
"Huh?" The other three looked confused as they stared at the blond.
"Huh? You called?" The blond looked at Y/N in surprise.
"Oh, well, if it isn't White Dragon, Blue Dragon, and Green Dragon." His attention was then on the three other newbies. "Well, well, it seems everyone's together." He bowed.
"Whaaaaaaaaaat!?" the team, other than Y/N, shouted.
"Golden Dragon? Golden Dragon, like the Golden Dragon?" Yona asked in surprise.
"Why?! Why is he here!?" Yoon freaked out.
"Why is he enjoying the barbeque party with us?!" Kija questioned.
Y/N sighed.
"You guys are so restless." The blond said. "Zeno is sitting down properly while eating. Good manners, right?" He scowled, before smiling. "Oh, 'Zeno' is my name." He added.
"What kind of sloppy introduction is that?" Yoon paled.
"Did you notice us being close to you?" Jaeha asked Zeno.
"Zeno's just on a laid back journey. I don't care either way." He said, giving a piece of his meat to Ao. "The other Dragons don't matter."
"They don't matter..." Y/N could almost see the heartbreak in Jaeha's eyes.
"The other Dragons definitely matter to you." Hak said to Jaeha.
"Zeno, did you feel anything when you saw this person?" Akio asked, motioning to Yona.
"This is Princess Yona! She is the Four Dragon's master!" Kija exclaimed dramatically.
"Don't be so dramatic." Y/N bluntly stated while Yona laughed sheepishly.
"Princess...Master...It would be rude not to feel anything. You're super cute, missy! My heart's racing!" Laughed Zeno.
"What!?" Akio shouted, much to Y/N's amusement.
"That's not what I meant!" Kija stated.
"He's either a powerhouse or really oblivious." The four dragons thought aloud, while Y/N sighed.
He doesn't feel pain at all, that's why you bakas. She thought.
"If you're on a laidback journey by yourself, then I guess..." Yona drifted off.
"You guess what?" Zeno happily questioned.
"It'd be difficult for you to say yes if I asked you to join us?" She questioned. "I'm looking for the Four Dragons to ask for their help, so I wanted-"
"I'll go." Zeno instantly agreed.
Everyone stared at him surprised.
"What?" Yona asked.
"Okay!" Zeno smiled. "Zeno's on a journey doing what Zeno wants. I don't have a particular destination, I'm not busy, and most importantly," Y/N watched the boy in amusement. "The food was really good. It's my principle to return flavors!"
"You mean favors." Yoon scowled.
Zeno ignored his words though, as he began shaking everyone's hands. "Pleased to meet you, and please feed me delicious food tomorrow, too!"
"He broke your record, White Snake." Hak smirked at Kija.
"Golden Dragon, I am Kija, the White Dragon, with the Dragon's power in my right hand. If you are to join us and protect the princess, then show us your power." Kija stated.
"My power?" Zeno looked confused.
"Yes." Kija nodded.
"Oh, Zeno isn't that powerful, but I have a strong body!" He happily exclaimed.
"Ah, just as we thought." Kija looked relieved.
"Hmm? How strong is your body?" Hak suddenly punched Zeno.
"Hak!" Y/N shouted in surprise.
"Wait, that hurt!?" Yoon shouted at the quivering boy. "You're weak! You're a normal person! Are you really the Golden Dragon!?"
"Wait, wait! Something's wrong with him! He had very strong arms!" Zeno pointed frantically at Hak, who was still eating some of the meat.
"Tch. I don't believe him." Akio stated.
"I get hit a lot, too, but Hak's blow is really something." Jaeha said.
"For some reason, you always seem to be enjoying it." Y/N stated through narrowed eyes.
"Your body's not particularly hard, either, and you skin's soft too." Yoon grabbed Zeno's arm and poked it.
"Zeno's skin is nice and smooth." Zeno smiled.
"Lightning Beast's body is harder than this." Yoon stated bluntly.
(A/N: *cackles in the distance* Hak: *uses a spray bottle to spray author* Stop being dirty minded. You're as bad as Jaeha. Jaeha: Oi!)
"It'd be more convincing if he was the Golden Dragon!" Yoon continued.
Ew, gross. Y/N glared at the thought of Hak possibly being a Dragon's descendant.
"I've been keeping it a secret, but I'm actually the Golden-" Hak began to joke.
"If you were a Dragon, you'd be the evil Dark Dragon!" Kija shouted.
"Agreed." Y/N nodded, much to Hak's irritation.
Though Hak seemed to get over it quickly. It actually sounds kinda cool... He grinned.
"Are you not frustrated?! He is threatening your position!" Kija told Zeno. "Remember the pride of the Dragon!"
"Yeah, but..." Zeno drifted off.
"Now, now. The Golden Dragon can live his life as he pleases. It's your bad habit to force your values on somebody else." Jaeha stated.
"However, the Four Dragons-" Y/N coughed loudly. "Five Dragons, we ancient brothers have finally gathered. Finally, in our generation, we encountered each other, thousands of years since the mythical era." Y/N's eyes widened as Kija began to tear up. "I am truly happy that we, the Five Dragons, have rejoined."
"Ah, fine, fine." Jaeha sighed.
"All five dragons are here." Yoon said, catching Y/N's attention. "If you think about it, this is significant, but it went so smoothly, it even feels like it was too easy."
"That's because we haven't gotten to the actual conflict yet, Yoon." Y/N sighed, looking up at the bright blue sky.
We still have to take down that Su-Won.

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