Legend 16: Moonlight

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-On a Mountain path-A Day later-
"Akio, do you know the location of the next Dragon?" Yoon asked as the group stopped, and the shorter male glanced at the silver headed Dragon.
"Yes...the next...Dragon..."
"Akio!?" Y/N and Yona called out, both startled as the older L/N fainted.
"M-maybe we should rest." Yoon stuttered.
"Y-yes, that....seems like a...good plan..."
"Kija too!?"

-In a Forest-2 hours later-
"They probably overworked themselves, digging the hole at full power." Yoon sighed as Y/N, Yona, Hak, and himself bent near where Kija and Akio were lying down.
"Akio....Kija...." Y/N frowned as she stared at the two males, knowing that a Dragon's power can only be used to an extent.
"Rest in peace." Hak bluntly stated as he put a white sheet over Kija's face, only to have the white haired male to quickly sit up.
"I'm alive!"
"Whoa!" Hak jumped back in surprise.
"Calm down." Yona said, placing a hand on Kija's shoulder.
"I-I apologize. I feel sluggish and the Four Dragons' locations are hazier than usual." Kija apologized, looking upset with himself.
"Don't push yourself." Y/N smiled assuringly at the older male, who blushed in response.
"There's two more people who can sense the Four Dragons' locations." Yoon said, as the group then turned to Y/N.
The (H/C) blinked, before smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, you see, I can only sense a Dragon that's in the same area as me, or at least within a few meters." She said. "In which the next Dragon is not." She then added as an after thought.
Hak, Yoon, and Yona sighed.
"Well, then we have one more person who can sense the Four Dragons' locations." The group then turned to look at the Blue Dragon.
"He was with us?" Hak asked.
"Yeah, he's been with us the whole time." Y/N stated, glaring slightly at Hak for being oblivious to the quieter Dragon.
"Blue Dragon, can you tell where the other Four Dragons are?" Yona questioned.
The Blue Dragon stared at the group, a look of confusion on the features that they couldn't read.
"Looks like he doesn't even know what 'Four Dragons' are." Hak told Yona.
"It is truly sad. I know it's not your fault, since after all this time, no one taught you. I will teach you the Four Dragons' way from now. You can call me 'big brother'." Kija said, instantly up and in front of the Blue Dragon, holding the male's hands.
"Oi! No one's going to call you 'big brother', so stop telling us to!" Y/N shouted.
"Ugh, please be quiet." Akio whined, his face turning pink from the fever.
The group were then surprised as the Blue Dragon ran away.
"Huh?! He's running away?!" Kija shouted in surprise.
"Maybe the 'big brother' thing was revolting." Hak suggested, as Y/N nodded quickly in agreement, her arms folded over her chest.
The group then ran after the Blue Dragon, leaving Yona alone to take care of Akio who had passed out.
"Blue Dragon!" Y/N shouted as the four finally caught up with the blue haired male at a small pond that had a pretty waterfall.
"Blue Dragon...?" Kija mumbled, looking confused, before looking mortified as the Blue Dragon dived into the pond. "Suicide?!"
"Look at what you did, Kija. He threw himself into the water." Y/N stated, poking Kija's arm with a blank expression.
"Is it me?! Is it my fault?!" Kija began to freak out.
"B-Blue Dragon?" Yoon stuttered as the mentioned male poked his head out of the water.
The Blue Dragon then held up a fish, in which Kija hesitantly accepted.
"Is that for...? You want me to eat it and build strength?" Kija asked, before looking a bit concerned. "I am thankful, but could you just say so?" He questioned.
The group were then, once again, surprised, as the Blue Dragon crouched down and began to shiver like a scared puppy dog.
"What are you gonna do, big brother White Snake? He's shivering." Hak stated, poking the side of Kija's head, causing Y/N to hide a laugh behind her hand.
"Is it my fault?!" Kija cried out.
"Are you okay?" Y/N asked as she crouched in front of the Blue Dragon.
"How did you know there was a river?" Yoon asked as he stood beside Y/N and both of them looked at the Blue Dragon.
The masked male pointed to where his eyes would be, causing Y/N and Yoon to instantly understand.
"Ah, your eyes have long distance vision." Yoon said.
That explains how he knows that someone is coming before I do. Y/N thought.
"You caught the fish instantly, so you probably have great dynamic vision, too."  Y/N smiled.
"Is it true people turn into stone if they look into your eyes?" Yoon than asked, causing the other two males to become interested in the conversation.
Slowly, the male shook his head.
"Really?! Then why don't you take off that mask?" Yoon questioned.
Y/N sighed as she saw that the male wasn't going to answer any time soon, whether it was because he wasn't sure or he was unwilling to, she then smiled.
"Hey, first, let's start a fire, warm up, and eat the fish Blue Dragon caught, how does that sound guys?" She asked, looking at the other three males who simply nodded in agreement.

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