Legend 23: The Task

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-Next Day-Hidden Cove-
Y/N and Akio were walking ahead of the others, having wanted to check out the pirate ship and make sure that it was safe for Yona -and Yoon, Y/N was reminded-.
"Hmm...Now, how do we find the Captain?" Akio questioned as he gazed around the ship, ignoring the few terrified faces of the crew members who had just recently noticed the intruders who had come out of nowhere.
"Just ask." Y/N sighed loudly, as if it was the most obvious of things.
The silver eyed female then turned to one of the crew members, her emotionless expression scaring the poor man even more.
"Ohayo, we were invited to have a meeting with you captain. Can you tell us where he is?" Y/N asked in a monotone voice.
"H-hai! I'll go get Captain!" The man stuttered out, before quickly rushing below deck.
Y/N sighed, leaning against the edge of the ship, while Akio looked around the place in awe. Y/N eyed her brother with slight amusement as he made comments about how well made the ship was.
"Where's the intruders!?" A feminine voice shouted, causing said two to look at where the crew member had disappeared.
"Auntie Gi-gang?" The twins questioned in sync, both tilting their heads like a confused puppy would as they stared at said silver haired woman.
"Just great." The woman sighed.

Y/N and Akio stood with the rest of the group, while Captain Gi-gang and her crew stood on the other side of the ship.
"Jeaha tells me that you wanna help us out?" Gi-gang questioned, smoke pipe in her hand while she had a neutral expression on her face, in which resembled Y/N's.
"Yes." Yona nodded.
Suddenly Gi-gang was in front of Shin-ah. "What's with the mask?" She asked, pointing her smoke pipe at the blue clad male. "Take it off!"
Shin-ah instantly covered his face when the woman took his mask off.
Y/N and Akio hid their own faces as they tried not to laugh, as Gi-gang tried to get Shin-ah to show his face.
"He's an extremely shy person!" Yoon defended.
Gi-gang sighed, giving up it seemed, as she stepped back to her position infront of her crew. "The one thing I value most is trust." She stated. "No one's gonna ask anyone untrustworthy for help."
"But you need manpower, right, Captain?" Hak asked, saying the word 'captain' in a mocking tone.
He really can be dumb... Y/N thought with a sigh when she saw Gi-gang's smirk.

___Quick Time Skip____
The three dragon descendants, and Hak, were surrounded by the pirate crew
"Captain, we have them vastly outnumbered." One of the crew members stated, sounding as if this was going to be some easy task for them.
That poor boy.
"You're right, this is too unfair, right?" Hak cockily grinned.
The other three nodded, and said the same thing in sync, "I can take them all out myself!" This kind of scared Y/N.
While the crew and the four males began to fight, Y/N slowly inched over to where she noticed the standout green.
"They don't really stand a chance, do they?" The (H/C) female questioned, crossing her arms as she stood beside the male.
"No, I guess not." Jaeha sighed.
Though, as if just noticing who asked the question, he jumped at least three feet in the air in surprise.
"How do you keep doing that!?" Hissed the green haired man.
"Doing what?" Y/N asked, looking at Jaeha with a blank expression. "Oh look, the fight is over." Y/N then bluntly pointed out, seeing that the crew were all knocked out, with the four standing without even a scratch.
"It's no good, Captain. Their strengths are outside the norm." Jaeha told Gi-gang. "It's like having four of me."
Gi-gang looked as if she was thinking about something. "Ya pass." She then said.
"Didn't I do great, N/N!?" Akio happily questioned, jumping over to his twin.
"I wasn't really paying attention." Y/N replied dully.
"Why not?" crocodile tears rolled down Akio's cheeks, before realizing who was standing beside the two.
His (E/C) orbs narrowed as he protectively hid Y/N behind him. He wasn't sure about it just yet, but he disliked having this Green Dragon so close to his sister.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her brother's protectiveness, especially when the two dragon descendants began to bicker over something she didn't really care about. Though, her attention was suddenly brought to Gi-gang, who was talking to Yona and Yoon.
Glancing at the silver and green haired males, Y/N slowly walked over to the three.
"What can you do?" Gi-gang pointed her smoking pipe at Yoon.
"I'm against violence, so I won't fight. But I can do everything else. Cook, sew, hunt, treat injuries, make a bomb if I had materials, and I'm beautiful." Y/N snorted at the last comment, causing Yoon to playfully glare at the (H/C).
"And what about you, Y/N?" Stiffening up, Y/N sheepishly smiled at the elder woman, surprising both Yona and Yoon.
"Well, I can shoot a bow, use a sword, and throw daggers. I'm pretty agile, I guess, and I can be a pretty good liar. As well, I can treat injuries and cook." Y/N said, standing like a soldier would when speaking to someone higherup.
"Hmm..." Gi-gang then turned her narrow gaze to Yona. "And you?"
"I...I can do..." Y/N frowned as she saw Yona's sad expression.
"Nothing, then. People who can't do anythin' are just a nuisance here." Gi-gang stated.
"But-" Y/N and Yona both began, before being cut off.
"There's a bunch of people in this town who hate Keum-ji, but standin' against him without power is suicide. This is no task for a little girl! Go home."
Though Y/N wanted to fight back, to defend her master, she knew that the older woman was right.
"If she is not with us, then we will not-" Kija began to rant, as Y/N noticed he usually did when it came to defending people, though was instantly cut off by the red haired princess.
"Kija, it's okay. Captain Gi-gang has a point. But..." Yona began to drift off, before a familiar determined expression crossed her features. "I have my reason for not backing out!"
"Hmph." Y/N smiled as she crossed her arms over her chest, proud of her powerful master. As well, she knew that if Yona could impress her, then she could also impress Gi-gang.
In which she was right.
"Fine. I'll have ya do a task to see if ya can be of help, and if ya deserve to be trusted. A task with your life on the line."
"My life on the line?" Yona innocently questioned.
"Right now, you're useless baggage. If ya still wanna fight Keum-ji with us, then I need to see your determination that meets the task." Gi-gang explained.
Detemination? Psh, that's one of the things that Yona-hime most defiantly has! Y/N thought.
"Okay. What do I need to do?" Yona asked.
"I wancha to go get some cheonsu plants." Gi-gang said, causing everyone to look a bit panicked, especially Y/N, Akio, and Jaeha.
"Captain, that's-" Began the crew member that Y/N had scared earlier this chapter began to speak.
"Shuddap. It's not like you can do it." Gi-gang rudely stated.
"What's a cheonsu plant?" Yoon obliviously asked.
"It's an invaluable medical plant that only grows on Cape No Return." Gi-gang began to explain.
"It's a cure-all that drastically shortens the recovery time for illness and injuries." Y/N added, a look of uneasiness on her face.
"A cure-all!?" Yoon looked suddenly excited.
"If we have cheonsu plants, my injured lads can make a speedy recovery. We'll badly need 'em for the fights ahead. Lucky for ya, the lad that usually goes to get 'em is injured. If ya can play his part, then I'll pass ya." Gi-gang told Yona.
"Alright." Yona nodded in agreement.
"Princess, I think that you should really-" Akio began to whisper to the red head.
"No, Akio, I can do this." Yona looked at said male with a serious expression, causing the silver haired male to instantly shut up, as he glanced in the opposite direction of the female.
Y/N frowned and placed a gentle hand on her brother's shoulder.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell ya...Cheonsu plants grow on a steep Cliffside. Go there alone without anybody's help." Y/N felt Gi-gang's gaze on her while saying that one line, causing her to tense up.
"I already planned on that." Yona agreed.
"Yona, that's crazy!" Yoon exclaimed.
"Please, Yoon. This is my task." Yona stated.
Gi-gang grinned a bit. "That's commendable of ya. Jeaha, show 'er the way."
"Aye, aye." Jaeha reluctantly agreed.
"Well, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be right back!" Yona cheerfully stated to her friends.
She almost sounds like a housewife going for a walk or something. Y/N thought with a slightly worried expression.

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